In this article I have explained how to make an Arduino on a breadboard. We are also going to see what is an Arduino, how to program it and how to assemble them as standalone microcontroller on a breadboard or PCB.
Arduino was a boon for those who wanted to learn microcontrollers and embedded system for non-engineers and beginner in microcontroller.
Before arduino came into existence, beginners had to learn microcontroller with expensive kits and some of them coded the microcontroller in Assembly language, which is a terrible language and not all understood them.
Arduino was a total game changer, which is cheap and coding can be written in higher languages like C++, and the programmer need not to be a pro in coding
What is an Arduino? (For noobs)
Arduino is an open source prototyping board which is made around ATmega328P; it has 14 GPIO (general purpose input output) pins, out of which 6 pins has capability to do analogue functions, all the 14 pins has the capability to digital functions.
A USB 2.0 type B placed right corner of arduino (depending on how you place) for powering and burn programs to microcontroller. A reset switch is placed left upper corner of arduino board for restarting the program within the arduino itself.
The Arduino board has built in programmer which burns the program to ATmega328P microcontroller via USB. A separate DC jack is provided for powering the arduino from external voltage source ranging from 7V to 12V (has built in voltage regulator).
Some specifications of arduino:
- Operating Voltage: 5V on USB and 7-12V on DC jack.
- Digital I/O pins: 14 (6 of which can do PWM operations)
- Analogue input pins: 6
- Flash memory for storing program: 32KB
- RAM: 2KB
- Clock Speed: 16MHz
- DC output current per I/O pin: 20mA
Note: The above specification is only applicable for ATmega328P based arduino microcontroller.
How to make one on a breadboard:
If the prototype of your project is complete and you want make it permanent on your project box? Actually you no need to place the whole bulky arduino board into your project box.
ATmega328P with few external components is enough to execute the program and control the peripherals that you connected with the microcontroller.
The arduino board is used to burn the program to microcontroller and provide some protection against the glitches that we make during prototyping.
Once the project is complete you may pluck out ATmega328P and connect few external components as shown in diagram and you may solder it to PCB to make it permanent.
For your next project you no need to buy new arduino board, instead you may purchase the ATmega328P and few other external, which cost effective and make your project more compact.
How to Program ATmega328P when it is on breadboard:
Method 1:
The easiest and laziest way program the ATmega328P is with arduino board itself. Insert the ATmega328P, burn you program and pluck it out, insert it on your project.
This method is adaptable when your project has 28 pin IC holder (so that ATmega328P can be removed easily) and the ATmega328P is easily accessible.
Here is how to do it:
Download Arduino IDE form arduino’s official website and install on your computer.
Update the driver for the arduino board on your computer (no need to do, if you are using Linux based computer).
Insert ATmega328P on arduino board in right direction and make sure it has bootloader.
Select “Tools” > “Board”> “Arduino/Genuino UNO”
Plug the arduino to your PC and select right port for your arduino (vary computer to computer. Select “Tools”> “port”).
Compile the program and click the upload button.
Remove ATmega328P and insert it on your project.
Method 2:
If you re-program the microcontroller frequently and hardware of your project is inaccessible, then this method is best for your project, especially when ATmega328P is soldered directly on PCB.
NOTE: Make sure the power supply from external circuit is disconnected before proceeding; we are going to power ATmega328P from arduino board.
Select “Tools” > “Board”> “Arduino/Genuino UNO”
Plug the arduino to your PC and select right port for your arduino (vary computer to computer. Select “Tools”> “port”).
Compile the program and click the upload button.
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