Calling all engineers! Welcome to my website. I am Swagatam, but you can call me Swag. I am an electronic engineer by trade, but my passion lies in tinkering and inventing electronic circuits. I am also pretty handy with designing schematics and PCBs. If you are in Mumbai, you might know my small electronics firm, Swagatam Innovations.
I am also the founder of the website, where I enjoy sharing my creative circuit ideas and in-depth lessons with everyone.
If you ever need any assistance with an electronic circuit related issue, please feel free to comment under the relevant article, to get a guaranteed response from me.
Electronics Skills:
- I finished my studies at DIPIETE in 1994. After that, I spent 15 years learning all I could about electronics. I studied how electronic circuits work and got a lot of practice building them myself.
Animal Lover:
- A true animal lover, my dream is to buy a big piece of land and build a shelter for lost and hurt animals. I have already rescued 5 dogs and many cats and birds! I think it's wrong to be cruel to animals or kill them for food.
Recent Posts by Swagatam
- Designing a Power Factor Correction (PFC) Circuit Using UC3854 – Key Considerations
- Automatic Curtain Open-Close Circuit
- DC-DC Boost Module (0.9V~5V) to 5V 600mA USB Step-up Board
- USB 5V To 24V DC to DC Boost Power Regulator Module
- XL3608 5V, 9V,12V DC, 2 Amp Boost Converter module
A Brief Introduction About
I founded in the year 2011. Initially I started in and then migrated to wordpress. Prior to this I used to work as a content writer at Brighthub.
I started Homemade circuits with an aim to share and spread the knowledge of electronic concepts freely among the aspiring engineers and newbies, through the expertise of experienced authors involved with this site.
What I do
Since I am too passionate about researching electronic concepts and innovative circuits, the main objective here has been to share the new ideas and results with other like minded hobbyists and engineers.
I Actively Respond to Questions!
Here at homemade circuits, unlike other websites I make sure that the author who is writing the post has an in-depth knowledge regarding the subject, and actively responds to every comment or query posted by a inquisitive visitor.
I take user questions and doubts seriously, and make sure their problems are solved through my dedicated support.
Enlightening the new users with clear and authentic information is my main motto here.
I try to make Complex Theories Easily Understandable
In this site no electronic concept is unnecessarily made complex just to make it look more advanced. I always try to produce an easier alternative if feasible, so that even a layman can feel inspired to learn more.
I sometime refer to other high quality websites regarding a topic, but before publishing it I make sure to apply my own expertise to judge the trustworthiness of the concept, so that the users are not misled with an incomplete or an incorrect data.
I have answered more than 50,000 Comment Queries so far!
With over 50,000 comments and replies, homemade circuits is beyond just an electronic website, it is thriving community where visitors get the opportunity to learn, understand, and build a selected project, and always find their circuit related projects fulfilled.
By joining this website you have done the right thing, because this is the only website that ensures that users are able to achieve their electronic goal quickly.
Welcome aboard! And please do not forget to share, subscribe and Bookmark us. For further questions, please feel free to use the comment box below!
Our Esteemed Engineers who helped this site to grow with their Valuable Contributions:
- R. Girish
- Abu Hafss
- Ali
- Robin Peter
- Selim Yavuz
- Ainsworth Lynch
- Vasilis K
- Syed Asim
- Henry Bowman
- SS Kopparthy
- Ajay Dusa
- Ankit Negi
- Navneet Sajwan
- Swagatam
- Matrix
Some important names could be missing here, if you think your name deserves to be here please inform us through a comment or through the contact page, we'll update it immediately.