The BC636 is a PNP bipolar junction transistor (BJT) that is specifically designed for low noise amplifier and switching applications. Here's the complete datasheet of the transistor BC636.
Pinout Configuration
Referring the pinout diagram above, the BC636 transistor 3 pinouts.
- Pin#1 = Emitter
- Pin#2 = Base
- Pin#3 = Collector
Electrical Characteristics:
- Collector-Emitter Voltage (VCEO): 45V
- Collector-Base Voltage (VCBO): 60V
- Emitter-Base Voltage (VEBO): 5V
- Collector Current (IC): 1A
- Power Dissipation (PD): 625mW
- DC Current Gain (hFE): 100-630
- Transition Frequency (fT): 150MHz
- Noise Figure (NF): 4dB
Package Details:
- The BC636 transistor is available in a TO-92 package, which is a small, through-hole package that can be easily mounted onto a circuit board.
Operating Conditions:
The maximum operating temperature for the BC636 is 150°C.
The recommended operating conditions for the transistor are as follows:
Collector-Emitter Voltage (VCEO): 45V
Collector Current (IC): 1 A
Operating Temperature: -55°C to 150°C
The low noise characteristics and high transition frequency of the BC636 make it suitable for use in low noise amplifier circuits.
The high current rating of the transistor also makes it suitable for use in switching applications.
Other applications for the BC636 include audio pre-amplifiers, audio amplifiers, and RF amplifiers.
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