In this post I have explained a battery charger circuit specifically designed for camper and motorhome applications, so it can serve as an effective camper/motorhome battery charger circuit operating through any shore power supply source. The idea was suggested by “music girl”. Battery Charger for Motorhomes Based on this customized battery charger circuit I would […]
New Circuit Projects
Simple Soil Moisture Tester Circuit with a Single IC 741
A very simple mud or soil moisture tester circuit can be built by using a single opamp and a few passive components, I have explained the details through the following article. Circuit Objective After water and sunlight the earth or the soil is the next most important natural gift that this planet has provided us […]
Opamp Hysteresis – Calculations and Design Considerations
In most automatic battery charger circuits in this blog you might have seen an opamp with a hysteresis feature included for some crucial function. In the following post I have explained the significance and design techniques for the hysteresis function in opamp circuits. To learn exactly what’s a hysteresis you can refer to this article […]
Single Phase Jet Pump Controller Circuit
In this post I have explained a simple single phase jet water pump controller circuit using magnetic reed switch level sensor, and a set/reset circuit. The idea was requested by Mr. Nanigopal mahata Technical Specifications I am your blog follower,, i searched all the blogs for automatic submersible pump controller but i can’t understand which […]
Mini Welding Machine Circuit for Small Welding Jobs
A welding machine is an electrical device which is able to generate a very high current at relatively low DC voltages. This high current output can be suitably used for creating the intended welding arcs and welding joints. The welding joint is created by fusing the welding rod on the joint area through a high […]
Make this Crystal Radio Set Circuit using No Batteries
A crystal radio circuit is probably the simplest form of radio that uses hardly any electronic components, and needs absolutely no external power for the operations. Crystal Radio Concept The only downside of this radio concept is the requirement of a very long antenna and a deep earthing, therefore this unit is not something which […]