In this article I have explained a 5 assorted power bank circuits using 1.5V cell and 3.7V Li-ion cell which can be built by any individual for their personal emergency cellphone charging functionality. The idea was requested by Mr. Irfan What is a Power Bank Power bank is a battery pack which is used to […]
New Circuit Projects
Illuminating DRL and Turn Lights with Single Common Lamp
In this article I have explained a simple circuit for enabling the turn signal lamp of any car to carry out a two-way function of DRL lights as well as well the stipulated turn lights. The idea was requested by Mr. Artem. Technical Specifications Thank you for your fanaticism with electronics, this is really noticeable […]
Smart Emergency Lamp Circuit with Maximum Features
In this post I have explained about a simple yet sophisticated automatic emergency light circuit which can be considered “smart” due to the involved advanced features and an inexpensive design. The idea was requested by Mr. Lokesh. Technical Specifications Hi sir, I am so glad to see your interest towards electronic circuits. So eagerly waiting […]
3 Frequency to Voltage Converter Circuits Explained
As the name suggests frequency to voltage converters are devices that convert a varying frequency input into a correspondingly varying output voltage levels. Here we study three easy yet advanced designs using IC 4151, IC VFC32 and IC LM2907. 1) Using IC 4151 This frequency voltage converter circuit using IC 4151 is characterized by its […]
2 Simple Voltage to Frequency Converter Circuits Explained
A voltage to frequency converter circuit converts a proportionately varying input voltage int a proportionately varying output frequency. The first design is using the IC VFC32 which is an advanced voltage to frequency converter device from BURR-BROWN specifically designed to produce an extremely proportional frequency response to the fed input voltage for a given voltage […]
How to Design a Buck Converter Circuit: Formulas and Calculations
In this post I have explained the method of designing buck converter circuits by calculating all the required parameters, in order to ensure an optimal performance from these devices. We take the example of IC 555 buck converter typologies, and try to understand the optimizing techniques through equations and manual adjustments, for achieving the most […]