The circuit I have explained below can be used for applications that require stringent voltage regulations and ripple rejection criteria. The transistor pair are configured such that all residual ripple factor are perfectly rectified. Circuit Operation The circuit below shows a simple way of acquiring a perfectly regulated and stabilized high current DC voltage output using ordinary transistors. The circuit […]
New Circuit Projects
AC Millivolts Meter Circuit Using IC 741
In this article we study an op amp based millivolt meter circuit designed to measure AC millivolts accurately, I have explained the details from the following explanation. The circuit shown below can be used to measure DC potentials in the range of milli-volts. The circuit is highly sensitive and is calibrated to measure voltages in […]
7 Easy Voltage Doubler Circuits Discussed
In this article I have explained 7 easy to build DC to DC voltage doubler circuits using a single IC 4049 and IC 555 along with a few other passive components. If you are wondering how a simple IC 555 can be used for making a powerful voltage doubler circuit, then this article will help […]
Build a Homemade GSM Car Security System
This super simple circuit design of a gsm car security system really works.Don’t believe it? Find out and learn the simple method of constructing it. How would you feel if you had the power of controlling your vehicle through your own cell phone, from any part of the world? Learn more how to build a […]
IC 555 LED Circuits (Blinking, Flashing, Fading Effect)
In this post I have explained how to assemble IC 555 for generating interesting LED circuits with blinking, flashing and fading light effects with some minor modification and enhancements. Why use an IC 555 Astable The astable multivibrator mode is the most fundamental mode of operation of the IC 555. In this mode it basically […]
Making LED Lamp using Cellphone Charger
A plug-in type powerful wall LED lamp can be built at home by using a few white LEDs and by powering it through a cell phone charger. The power from cell phone charger is around 6 volts at 500 mA approximately. Why use a Cell Phone Charger The supply from a cell phone charger may […]