In this article I have explained how to make a very simple circuit for buzzer using piezo electric transducer, two resistors, a small coil and a BC547 transistor. A buzzer is a high frequency oscillator circuit used for generating a buzzing sound through a transducer or speaker output. Simple Buzzer using a Single Transistor Just […]
New Circuit Projects
10 Automatic Emergency Light Circuit Diagrams Explain
In this article I have explained 10 simple automatic emergency light circuits using high bright LEDs. This circuit can be used during power failures and outdoors where any other source of power might be unavailable. What’s an Emergency Lamp An emergency light is a circuit which automatically switches ON a battery operated lamp as soon […]
Automatic Vehicle Headlight Dipper/Dimmer Circuit
The circuit described here can be built and used in your vehicle for an automatic dipping and dimming operation of the vehicle headlamps, in response to the intense lights coming from an opposite vehicle headlamps. What’s a Dimmer/Dipper in Automobiles An automobile headlight dimmer/dipper is a circuit which automatically switches the headlight intensities of vehicles arriving from […]
How to Use LM317 for Making a Variable Power Supply Circuit
In this post I will elaborately explain how to build a simple LM317 based adjustable power supply circuit using minimum number of external components. As the name suggests a variable power supply circuit provides the user with a range of linearly varying output voltages through a manually controlled potentiometer rotation. A LM317 is a versatile […]
How to Configure a Solar Panel System – Living of the Grid
In thi post I have explained how to connect and integrate readymade solar panel system with our home, without depending on technical personnel or experts. The main gadgets required for implementing this are: a solar panel, a solar controller, battery and an inverter Introduction It’s been there since the earth was born and it is […]
AC 220V/120V Mains Surge Protector Circuits
Voltage spikes can sometimes be a big nuisance as far as the safety of the various electronic appliances are concerned. I have explained how to make a simple AC Mains surge protector circuits at home. What is a Surge Protector A surge protector is an electrical device which is designed to neutralize minor electrical spikes […]