A suddenly dimming and brightening automobile headlamp is usually quite undesirable, since it causes a painful interference with the normal vision of the opposite side driver or the passengers. In this post we try to design a gradually self-adjusting automobile headlamp brightness circuit, which enables the brightness of the vehicle headlamp to vary proportionately in […]
New Circuit Projects
Wheatstone Bridge Circuits Explained with Calculations
A Wheatstone Bridge circuit is commonly used to measure resistance, inductance, capacitance, and impedance. These are made up of four parts or arms that are joined in series in a diamond like bridge configuration. These four arms carry the individual components such as resistor, inductor or capacitor connected across the fur junctions. An alternating current (AC) or […]
Simple Triac Triggering Circuits Explained
In this post I have explained the fundamental methods of triggering a triac, and also discuss the right way to connect the terminals of a triac. Triacs are solid-state bidirectional thyristors that can switch across both the AC half cycles on a 120-volt or 240-volt Ac power system. A triac could be activated (switched on and […]
10 Useful Active Filter Circuit Diagrams Explored
In this post I will comprehensively discuss 10 different types of active filter circuits which can be used for filtering music and audio with the desired levels of bass and treble effects. We also learn about their working, types, characteristics, and practical applications circuits. Contributed By: Ken Madison In audio signal processing circuits, filters are used […]
How to Calculate Heatsinks
Heatsinking is critical for power devices in circuits that are intended to maximize their performance. When heat from the power devices cannot be moved away very quickly, the power devices and its operating elements could be damaged. You may calculate how hot your semiconductors could become while operating, using a couple of easy formulas. Using formulas gets rid of guesswork and […]
Simple IC Tester Circuit [Test Digital and Analogue ICs]
The IC Tester is simple to use. You don’t have any switches to configure or lengthy test processes to complete. The universal IC Tester is a static tester, which means this does not dynamically test the IC’s operation. All ICs with up to 20 pins can be tested by this unit. ICs with more than […]