A field strength meter is an electronic device which is used for detecting and measuring the RF radiation generated from any RF transmitter circuit. As we all know that transmitter circuits invariably use an inductor/capacitor based LC resonating circuit, also called the tank circuit, which oscillates at a specified resonating frequency to transmit the frequency […]
New Circuit Projects
3 Accurate Infrared Intruder Alarm Circuits using Photodiodes
In this post I have explained 3 simple yet accurate infrared intruder alarm circuits using an infrared transmitter and an infrared receiver module. The transmitter and the receiver photo diodes used in the two modules are aligned in line at a distance of around 2 meters within the restricted area. When a burglar tries to […]
Robot Voice Generator Circuit
A robot voice generator circuit is a device which modifies a normal human voice into a typical robot like voice, that we normally come across in movies, or video games. The working concept of the circuit is actually simple. The actual human voice signal is subjected to an external frequency modulation signal, such that the […]
Simple 10 Watt Amplifier Circuits using Transistors
In this post I will comprehensively explain 3 easy to build 10 watt power amplifier circuits, which can be built using discrete parts, such as resistors, transistors, and MOSFETs. The MOSFETs used in these designs are the ordinary IRF540 and IRF9540, that are easily avail;able in the market and are quite inexpensive. True Complementary 10 […]
Police/Ambulance Siren Circuit with Rotating Beacon Light
In this post I have explained how to construct a police, ambulance or a fire truck siren circuit using evergreen IC 555 timer and we will also learn how to build a revolving beacon light without any mechanical parts. The proposed project is divided into two parts the siren circuit and the rotating beacon light, […]
Inductor Working and Designing, with Formulas
In this post I have explained all the basics of inductors, its working principle, and how to design inductors with the help of formulas and calculations. Inductors are vastly used from mobile, laptop chargers to high-end communication equipment like mobile base stations to the satellites orbiting the earth. Let us take a deep dive into […]