This ultrasonic motion detector circuit project picks up movement of any object including human beings from a distance of 4 to 7 meters away. As soon as the motion is detected, the output of the circuit illuminates a red LED indicating the presence of an obstacle or an intruder. However, using supplemental circuit stages connected […]
New Circuit Projects
Battery Deep Discharge Protection Circuit
In this post I have explained how to build a battery deep discharge protection circuit which can be used for protecting any type of battery from over discharge through a connected load. Normally, we are mostly worried about battery getting over charged, and forget about a situation where the battery can get over discharged by […]
Firecracker Igniter circuit [Remote Controlled with Timer]
In this post I will show how to construct a few fireworks ignition circuits which can safely ignite them via IR remote and timer. We have proposed three firecracker igniter circuit designs using ordinary components which we will be exploring them in detail. Before we jump in to the circuit details, we have a word […]
Higher Variable Output Voltage from IC 7812
You may have often wondered whether it was feasible to get higher voltages than 12 V from a 7812 IC? In this short post I have explained how to configure the IC 7812 with a BJT stage, so that its output can be made variable for achieving any desired voltage higher than 12 V, without […]
Simple Tone Control Circuits
Tone control circuits are basically filter circuits which are used to filter audio frequency signals so that only the desired range of frequencies are allowed to pass to the amplifier and the loudspeakers. This enables the listener to customize the music output with either a high level of low frequency content through bass boost, or […]
LED Star Circuit
This circuit can be used like a tree ornament, however the LED star circuit explained here has a variation; it’s completely electronic and it provides the impression of an exploding and imploding 6 arm star. A block diagram of the circuit can be seen in the Fig. 1 below, configured using 3 components: oscillator, counter, […]