In this post I have explained a few miniature inverter circuits that can convert 1.5 V to 220 V or 3 V to 220 V or 6 V to 220 V. All the designs employ a single PNP transistor and transformer, connected in the feedback mode for generating the oscillations. 1.5 V to 220 V […]
New Circuit Projects
Tap Water Induction Heater Circuit
A tap water heater circuit can be simply built by attaching an iron tube on the mouth of the tap or the faucet, and allow the iron pipe to pass through an induction heater coil. The induction heater will heat up the iron pipe and hence water passing through the the pipe will also heat […]
How to Make Pierce Oscillator, Hartley Oscillator Circuits
In this post I have explained how to build simple oscillator circuits like the pierce oscillator and hartley oscillator using a single CMOS gate. Both the oscillators are types of oscillators that utilize minimum number of components yet are able to generate very stable and reliable frequency outputs. You might also want to learn How […]
Electromagnetic Levitation Circuit [Anti-gravity]
In this post I have explained how to build an electromagnetic levitation circuit which can imitate an anti-gravity phenomenon by ensuring that an iron object remains pulled above the ground by an electromagnet, so that it does not stick to the electromagnet, rather keeps floating between the electromagnet tip and the ground. Basic Working Principle […]
OBD2 Connector Pinout, Datasheet
The DB9 to OBD-II adapter cable is an easy to use adapter that enables the EasySYNC range of CANbus products to fit compatibly with OBD-II interface connectors, typically utilized in automotive diagnostics. The DB9 pinouts directly fit into the EasySYNC CANPlus modules or any CANbus adapter which complies with the CAN-in-Automation (CiA) DS102-2 pin-out. The […]
Ultrasonic Detector Circuit [Extend your Ear’s Sensitivity]
The ultrasonic detector or receiver circuit will be able to detect all those high frequency sounds that are beyond the hearing capacity of humans. The units will be able to hear all those frequencies that are perhaps only audible to some animals like dogs, cats and bats. The ultrasonic receiver circuit can be used for […]