In this post I have explained how to build 7 types of easy sawtooth generator circuits, using BJTs, UJTs, and IC 555. In a sawtooth waveform the voltage increases slowly in a slanting manner or diagonally, then as soon as it reaches the peak, the waveform voltage suddenly drops to zero. Once it drops to […]
New Circuit Projects
Visible Light Communication Circuit [using InfraRed]
You can use this simple visible light communication circuit to send audio and digital information through infrared light, beyond a mile away, with extreme precision. By Sunil Rao The main features of the light communicator circuit can be understood with the following points: Output power = 5 millwatts Frequency Modulation Operation with 50 kHz carrier […]
Cube Light Circuits
In this post I have explained how to make simple yet fascinating cube light circuits, in which LEDs are connected inside a plastic cube to produce interesting illuminating effects. All the designs presented below are very simple to build and do not involve any complex microcontroller or Arduino coding. Why a Cube Because cube lights […]
7 Accurate Square Wave Oscillator Circuits
In this article I will comprehensively discuss 7 accurate RC square wave oscillator circuits with 50% duty cycle, by appropriately configuring the gates from various CMOS ICs such as 4001, 4011, 4093, 4046, 4047, 4016, 4060 etc. and also using op amps. Definition The square wave oscillators included in this article can be defined as […]
100 °C to 1000 °C Thermocouple Temperature Meter Circuit Diagram
In this post I have explained a simple op amp based thermocouple temperature meter circuit which can be used for measuring high temperatures in the range of 100 °C to 1000 °C, in heaters, furnaces, kilns tec. What is a Thermocouple A thermocouple is a simplest and the cheapest form of temperature sensor device, built […]
RGB Spot Light Generator Mixer Circuit
In this RGB spotlight mixer circuit project, 3 individual spot lights are used, having red, green and blue focus light bulbs in them. The lights can be focused on walls, ceilings or floors to create interesting slow rising, slow fading red, green blue light patterns that mix and diffuse to generate interesting, additional secondary colors. […]