You may have heard a lot about the outstanding features of the IC LM3524 or the SG3524, however many of you may not be confident regarding how to set up the pinout functioning of these ICs? Or you may be wondering exactly how to use the IC for your specific needs and application designs? The […]
New Circuit Projects
Understanding MOSFET Current Rating in Datasheets
In this post I will comprehensively explain the current rating of MOSFETs in their datasheets, and helps us to understand how it is calculated by the design engineers, keeping in mind the various external parameters, which potentially impact the current limitations of the device. In simple terms, MOSFET current rating can be defined as the […]
Line Laser Controlled Motor Alignment Circuit
In this post I have explained a simple line laser controlled motor driver circuit, which works by responding to a precision horizontal laser line, generated from a line laser level device, and automatically adjusts the alignment of the connected tool or the job work with extreme perfection and accuracy. What is Line Laser The line […]
Simple Anti-Theft Alarm Circuit to Protect Valuable Items
This easy yet useful security alarm circuit is designed to get triggered in response to even a brief movement of the unit, causing a loud alarm sound to set off. The circuit could be attached or installed on any desired gadget or asset which needs to be protected from theft. As soon as the gadget […]
3-Digit LED Capacitance Meter Circuit
This project is yet another test equipment that can be extremely handy to any electronic hobbyist, and building this unit can be a lot of fun. A capacitance meter is a very useful test equipment as it allows the user to check a desired capacitor and confirm its relaibility. Ordinary or standard digital meters mostly […]
Transmitter Receiver Circuit for 80-meter Ham Radio
This tiny and simple transmitter, receiver set will allow you to communicate over 100 of miles across the world, by tuning to 80-meter amateur ham radio stations. What is 80-meter Band The 80-meter uses 3.5 MHz frequency band for radio communications, which gets the permissions under amateur radio use Between 3.5 to 4.0 MHz in […]