In this post I have explained regarding what’s ripple current in power supply circuits, what causes it and how it can be reduced or eliminated using smoothing capacitor. What’s Ripple in Power Supply Circuits In all AC to DC power supplies the DC output is acquired by rectifying the AC input power and filtering through […]
Power Supply Circuits
12V LED Backpack Power Supply Circuit
In this article I have explained to make a simple 12v LED backpack power supply circuit for powering a 36watt LED lamp, which includes appropriately wired integrated sockets for enabling the attachment of external devices such as a regulated battery charger, ammeter, voltmeter etc. The idea was requested by Mr. Kevin Bates Backpack LED Charger/Driver […]
How Wireless Power Transfer Works
Wireless power transfer is a process in which electrical energy is transferred from one system to another system through electromagnetic waves without using wires or any physical contact. In this post I have explained regarding how wireless power transfer works or the transfer of electricity through air without using wires. You might have already come […]
Adjustable 3V, 5V, 6V, 9V,12V,15V Dual Power Supply Circuit
The purpose of this paper is to detail a variable dual lab power supply circuit which has an adjustable range from 3V, 5V, 6V, 9V, 12V, and 15V or even more at an output current rate of 1 amp. Written By: Dhrubajyoti Biswas The Dual Power Supply Concept In regard to positive volt it is […]
How to Modify SMPS for Adjustable Current and Voltage Output
This article discusses a method through which any ready made SMPS can be converted into a variable current smps circuit using a few external jumper links. In one of the previous articles I have explained how to make a variable voltage SMPS circuit by employing a simple shunt regulators stage, in the present hack also […]
100 amp Variable Voltage Power Supply Circuit Diagram
The post describes a simple but extremely versatile 100 amp, variable voltage power supply circuit using just a few BJTs in parallel and in a common collector mode. The idea was requested by Mr. Andre. Technical Specifications Hello Swagatam, I was wondering if you could possibly assist me. on the blogs I have seen some […]