The proposed boost converter circuit using MAX732 IC will allow you to have a continuous voltage of 12V with a current of 150 or 200 mA. The input voltage can be between 4.5 to 9 V, which can be produced by three 1.5V batteries, for example. The circuit is quite simple, we will be using […]
Power Supply Circuits
How to Modify 78XX, LM323, LM350, LM317 Voltage Regulator Circuits
In this article I have explained many different methods of modifying voltage regulators ICs to improve their voltage and current handling characteristics. We learn how to externally modify these regulators using transistors and ICs for upgrading their current and power handling capacities. We discuss how to modify 78XX ICs, LM317 ICs, LM350 ICs, and LM323 […]
IC 7805 Switching Regulator Circuit
Starting from a classical linear regulation, we will present the evolution towards a simple switching version. This will allow us to analyze the operation without going through the classical theoretical developments. In other words, a “practical” view of things. You can use the proposed design to significantly increase the backup time and efficiency of a […]
600 V DC Voltage Regulator Circuit Module
The main technical function of the proposed voltage regulator is voltage stabilization. It is capable of stabilizing an input voltage ranging from 0 to 600 Vdc to an output voltage ranging from 100 to 560 Vdc, with a maximum current of 800 mAdc and maximum power dissipation of 100 W. The unit also exhibits good […]
0 to 50 V Adjustable Switching Power Supply Circuit using IC LM2576
In this article I will try to explain the construction of a 1.23 V to 50 V adjustable switching power supply circuit using the IC LM2576. The LM2576 family of regulators is a monolithic integrated circuit that performs all of the active operations of a step-down (buck) switching regulator. It offers exceptional line and load […]
Simple Buck Converter Circuits using Transistors
In this post I have explained some basic facts about DC to DC buck converters and also learn how to build a simple buck converter circuit. A buck converter is also popularly known as a step-down converter, since its basic function is to step down a higher input voltage level to a lower output voltage […]