A flyback configuration is the preferred topology in SMPS application designs mainly because it guarantees complete isolation of the output DC from the input mains AC. Other features include low manufacturing cost, simpler design and uncomplicated implementation. The low current DCM version of flyback converters which include output specification lower than 50 watt are more […]
Power Supply Circuits

How to Build a Boost Converter Circuit: Explained with Calculations
I have explained comprehensively how to build a boost converter circuit for converting a low level DC voltage inputs to a higher level DC voltage outputs. I have furnished all the required calculations s that you can design a customized boost converter circuit. How a Boost Converter Works A boost converter is a kind of […]
How to Make Step Down Transformers
A step down transformer is a device which reduces a higher AC potential to a lower AC potential as per its winding ratio and specifications. In this article we are going to discuss how to design and construct a basic step down transformer which are typically applied in mains-operated power supplies. Introduction This will likely […]
How to Repair a Switch-Mode-Power-Supply (SMPS)
In this post we try to diagnose a burnt SMPS circuit and try to troubleshoot and repair the circuit. The shown unit is a cheap readymade Chinese make SMPS circuit. This article is written as per the request made by Mr. Kesava. My SMPS got Burnt The below attachment is 12v 1.3 amps SMPS for […]
Over Current Cut-off Power Supply Using Arduino
In this post I will show how to construct a battery eliminator / DC variable power supply which will automatically cut-off the supply, if the current flow through the load exceeds the preset threshold level. By Girish Radhakrishanan Main Technical Features The proposed over current cut-off power supply circuit using Arduino has 16 X 2 LCD […]
110V, 14V, 5V SMPS Circuit – Detailed Diagrams with Illustrations
In this post I have explained how to apply the IC L6565 for making a compact multi purpose 110V, 14V, 5V SMPS circuit using minimum number of external components. Implementing quasi-resonant ZVS flyback The IC L6565 from ST Microelectronics is designed as a current-mode primary controller chip, to specifically suit quasi-resonant ZVS flyback converter applications. The […]