The three watt amplifier circuit discussed in the earlier post could be effectively upgraded into a 30 to 40 watt transistorized amplifier circuit, simply by adding a 2N3055 power output stage. The entire procedure for this is explained in the following article. The circuit was requested by Mr. Clifford. The requested specifications can be viewed […]
Audio and Amplifier Projects
5 Watt Stereo Amplifier Circuit with Bass Treble Controls
A complete, self-contained, small and compact Hi-Fi stereo amplifier circuit with bass, treble, volume control is presented in the following article. This small compact stereo amplifier can be used for amplifying music from mobile phones, computer USB, Ipod or any source capable of producing as low as 50 millivolt signal. Due to the high bass […]
LM4862 Amplifier Circuit – A Better LM386 Alternative
The LM386 based amplifier is still very popular as one of the smallest sized amplifier chips. However, the LM386 is not perfect and has a few drawbacks and limitations. As shown below, the LM386 works with large electrolytic capacitors, which makes it bulkier and costlier, and causes it to be prone to distortions with age. […]
Laughter Sound Simulator Circuit
As the name suggests, this device generates electronic sound, resembling human laughter. BASIC DESIGN To enable the circuit start the proposed operations, it must have a fundamental sound input or frequency for processing. This basic frequency is established through a simple oscillator operating at 1 kHz frequency. The next, requirement would be to process this […]
Electronic Touch Organ Circuit
An electronic touch organ is an intriguing musical device which produces very pleasant musical notes in response to finger touches on special touch sensitive electronic pads or buttons. Modern day organs are, however, very costly which usually places these outside the reach of the majority of folks. Low cost options types lack performance, and are […]
Prevent Amplifier Fuse from Blowing During Power Switch ON
Is your power amplifier fuse blowing during power switch ON? It could be happening due to the initial high current drawn by the loudspeakers, when power is switched ON. The simple amplifier fuse protection circuits presented here can be effectively used for solving the issue. The problem is commonly seen in high power amplifiers, where […]