The following discussion informs us regarding how to select the right power supply for a car amplifier which needs to be operated at home. The questions were raised by Mr. Gyaneshwar Singh. Questions and Answers Regarding Selecting Car Amplifier Correctly Question: Thanks for creating awareness on your own concept and resolving problems of others. I am […]
Audio and Amplifier Projects
Making a Stethoscope Amplifier Circuit
In this post I have explained how to make an electronic stethoscope amplifier circuit for enabling a loud audible reproduction of the heart beats which is being diagnosed. The article also reveals how the same can be applied within a cellphone through a wireless circuit. The idea was requested by Dr. Ankit. Main Requirements The […]
How to Design High-Pass and Low-Pass Filter Circuits Quickly
In this post I have explained how to design audio filter circuits such as high pass filter and low pass filter circuits effortlessly without going through the hassles of complex simulation and calculations. The presented designs will enable creating filter circuits only for the desired specific frequency bands and block all other unwanted frequencies. What’s […]
Notch Filter Circuits with Design Details
In this article I will provide a detailed explanation regarding how to design notch filters with precise center frequency and for maximum impact. Where Notch Filter are Used Notch filter circuits are normally used for suppressing, nullifying, or cancelling a particular range of frequencies in order to avoid an annoying or unwanted interference within a […]
60W, 120W, 170W, 300W Power Amplifier Circuit
The post presents an in-depth discussion regarding the construction details of a universal high power amplifier which can be modified or adjusted to suit any range within 60 watt, 120 watt, 170 watt or even 300 watt power output (RMS). The Design The circuit diagram in Fig. 2 tells about the highest power capability form […]
Arduino Musical Tune Generator Circuit
You can use this little Arduino musical tune generator circuit for a preferred application, such as for making an interesting door bell, as a car reverse horn, or music box for gifting somebody, or simply for personal amusement. Hardware Required The Hardware required for the project are given as follows: The Arduino is powered with […]