The proposed solar water heater with battery charger controller circuit explains a simple method of utilizing the excess solar energy from a solar panel for heating water in water tanks or swimming pools or poultry egg chambers. Normally the circuit also functions like an automatic solar battery charger, and simultaneously powers domestic electrical appliances. Understanding Solar Charging […]
Battery Charger Circuits
4 Simple Li-Ion Battery Charger Circuits – Using LM317, NE555, LM324
In this post I have explained a four simple yet a safe way of charging a Li-ion battery using ordinary ICs like LM317 and NE555 which can be easily constructed at home by any new hobbyist. Although Li-Ion batteries are vulnerable devices, these can be charged through simpler circuits if the charging rate does not […]
Single Transformer Inverter/Charger Circuit
In this post I have explained how to build an innovative inverter circuit with a single transformer that works both as an inverter and a battery charger transformer, I have explained the details from the following discussion. The Circuit Objective Though you may find many inverters having an integral battery charger, the section will mostly […]
High Current Solar Battery Charger Circuit – 25 Amps
This circuit is capable of providing as high as 25 Amps of current at any specified voltage between 1.25 V to 30V as per the adjustment of the given pot. The current is constant irrespective of the voltage settings. The circuit can be used for charging batteries in range of 50 to 200 AH. How […]
How to Illuminate 1 Watt LEDs with Cell Phone Charger
Nowadays probably all of us have a spare cell phone charger lying idle in our cupboards or table drawers……so wouldn’t it be a great idea if we could employ it like a super bright 1 watt LED driver and illuminate our room with white cool moon light. Circuit Concept As we all know that a 1 watt […]
Cell Phone Emergency Charger Pack using Ni-Cd Batteries
In this post I have explained the construction of a simple emergency charger pack using Nicket Cadmium (Ni-Cd) batteries for your cellphones and smart phones for emergency charging of your cellphone, so that next time you are never stuck on a highway with a full discharged dead cellphone battery. Circuit Concept It often happens, our […]