The TIP150, TIP151, TIP152 series are high voltage, high current Darlington transistors which can be used for applications involving voltages at mains 120V or 220V levels. The datasheet and other related details can be read in the following article. The typical applications of this transistor could be for high voltage motor control, automotive ignition, inverter […]
Datasheets and Components
IC 4033 Pinouts, Datasheet, Application
In this article I have explained the main features, specifications and datasheet of the IC 4033 through a detailed technical analysis. Electrical Characteristics How IC 4033 Works The IC 4033 is another Johnson decade counter/decoder IC specifically designed for working with 7 segment displays. Basically it’s a clock or pulse counter IC which responds to […]
Understanding IC 4043B, IC 4044B CMOS Quad 3-State R/S Latch – Working and Pinouts
In this post I have explained the pinout function and other important specifications of the IC 4043. I have explained about the complete datasheet of this very interesting chip. Pinout Datasheet of IC 4043 Technically the IC 4043 is a quad set/reset (R/S) latch with 3 logic state output. To be more precise this chip […]
IC 4047 Datasheet, Pinouts, Application Notes
The IC 4047 is one of those devices which promises an unlimited range of circuit application solutions. The IC is so versatile that on many occasions it easily outsmarts it’s close rival, the IC 555, let’s study the datasheet and pinout details of this versatile chip. Main Datasheet and Specifications: In-built oscillator with variable frequency […]
Half-Bridge Mosfet Driver IC IRS2153(1)D Datasheet
In this post I have explained the datasheet, specifications, pinout configurations and a few application circuit for the IC IRS2153 which is a half-bridge IC from Texas Instruments. The unique feature of this half bridge driver is that it does not have to depend on external logic sources for the operations, rather allows configuring its […]
Low Power MOSFET 200mA, 60 Volts Datasheet
In this post I have explained the main specs and pinouts of a small signal, low power N-channel mosfet 2N7000G. Mosfets vs BJTs When we talk of mosfets we normally associate it with high current, high voltage, and with high power applications. However, just like ordinary BJTs, small signal mosftes are also available which may […]