In this post I have explained the main features datasheet of high current N-Channel mosfet IRFP2907 which is rated to handle up to a staggering 209 amps of continuous current at a reasonably massive 75 volts. High Current Specs With the advent of mosfets, switching huge power through compact packages has become particularly feasible. Take […]
Datasheets and Components
55V 110A N-Channel Mosfet IRF3205 Datasheet
The following post explains the main features of mosfet IRF3205 which is fundamentally rated with drain current at a massive 110 Amps, and voltage ranging up to 55V, ideally suitable for inverter, motor control, choppers, and converter applications. Main Features The IRF3205 leading-edge N-Channel HEXFET® Power MOSFETs from International Rectifier implements hi-tech processing solutions to attain incredibly […]
Cree XLamp XM-L LED Datasheet
The XLamp XM-LED can be considered as the highest performing, single die solid state LED module which is able to produce lights at ultra bright intensities. I have explained it’s datasheet, specifications. High Illumination Efficacy Due to it’s ultra bright and high efficiency values, the Xlamp becomes highly suitable for applications such as in automotive headlamps, stadium flood lights, […]
12V 5 Amp Fixed Voltage Regulator IC 78H12A Datasheet
The post explains the technical specifications, datasheet, and application notes of the IC 78H12A which is a voltage regulator IC capable of providing a fixed regulated 12V output at maximum 5 amp current. 5 Amp Regulator Specifications We are familiar with the popular 78XX ICs such as the 7812 IC which can produce 12V fixed voltage at […]
LM567 Tone Decoder IC Features, Datasheet and Applications
In this post I have explained the main specifications, datasheet and working principle of the IC LM567, which is a precise phase-locked loop with synchronous AM lock detection and power output device. In simpler terms the IC LM567 IC is a tone decoder chip which is designed basically for recognizing a specified frequency band, and […]
High Voltage Transistor MJE13005 – Datasheet, Application Notes
The article relates us with the important features and specifications of MJE13005 device, which is a high voltage, high speed transistor, applicable for many different electronic circuit designs.Let’s try to understand the pin outs and technical specs of the device: Pinout Diagram Main Features Package – TO-220AB (typically recommended) Type – NPN Silicon Power Handling Capaciy – 75 Watts, Maximum […]