The BT169 is a thyristor or SCR (Silicon Controlled Rectifier) that is commonly used for switching applications in low-power electronic circuits. It can be used for small signal, low current applications. Its size is very small just like a BJT. Here are the full technical specifications of the BT169: Electrical Specifications Pinout: The BT169 SCR […]
Datasheets and Components
BC636 Transistor Datasheet [45 V 1 Amp PNP Transistor]
The BC636 is a PNP bipolar junction transistor (BJT) that is specifically designed for low noise amplifier and switching applications. Here’s the complete datasheet of the transistor BC636. Pinout Configuration Referring the pinout diagram above, the BC636 transistor 3 pinouts. Electrical Characteristics: Package Details: Operating Conditions: The maximum operating temperature for the BC636 is 150°C. […]
IC 4070 Datasheet, Pinout Working, Truth Table, Electrical Characteristics
The IC 4070 is a quad 2-input XOR gate IC which is designed for a wide range of digital logic applications. The XOR function is a logical operation that produces a high output (1) only when the inputs potentials are not similar. The IC 4070 contains four independent XOR gates in a single package which […]
IC 4069 Datasheet, Pinout Working, Applications
The IC 4069 is a CMOS hex inverter that contains six independent inverter gates. These are called inverters because these gates will always invert the signal at their inputs to produce an opposite signal at their outputs. Pinout diagram of the IC 4069: Understanding the Pinout Working of the IC 4069 As explained above, the […]
IC 4063 Datasheet, Pinout Working, Applications
The IC 4063 is a CMOS-based 4-bit magnitude comparator IC that can compare two 4-bit binary or BCD numbers and determine which one is greater than or equal to the other. It operates on a supply voltage range of 3V to 18V and is compatible with TTL logic levels. Features: Some of the key features […]
IC 4049 Datasheet, Pinout Function, Application
IC 4049 is a CMOS hex inverting buffer IC that has six independent inverters or NOT gates. It is commonly used in various electronic circuits such as oscillators, timers, and voltage regulators. Here’s the datasheet for IC 4049: General Information: Electrical Characteristics: Pinout Configuration: The pinouts details for the IC 4049 is provided in the […]