In this post I have explained the complete datasheet of the transistor 2N3906. It is the complementary to the transistor 2N3904. Here is the complete datasheet for the 2N3906 PNP transistor. Pinout Configuration The transistor 2N3906 has 3 pinouts named as emitter, base and collector. These pinouts are arranged as shown in the following figure: […]
Datasheets and Components
BC547 Transistor Datasheet [45V, 100mA NPN Transistor]
BC547 is a 100 V, 200 mA, NPN transistors, which is a general purpose small signal transistor. The following paragraphs discuses the datasheet of BC547 transistor for a quick reference. Pinout Configuration The following diagrams shows the pinout configuration and the symbol of the transistor BC547: Absolute Maximum Ratings: Electrical Characteristics: Equivalents 2N2222: Another typical […]
IC MP1584 Datasheet and Circuit Diagram
The MP1584 is a high-frequency synchronous step-down DC-DC buck converter IC manufactured by MPS (Monolithic Power Systems). This IC is widely used for applications which demand high efficiency and a compact form factor, for example operating portable devices, IoT modules, and other low-power electronics. Here’s the complete datasheet for the MP1584: Electrical Characteristics Pin Configuration […]
HX710B Air Pressure Sensor Datasheet, How to Connect
The HX710B Air Pressure Sensor Module monitors the air’s pressure in the range of 0 to 40 kilopascals (kPa) and turns it into an electrical impulse which microcontrollers or other electrical gadgets can interpret and read. It is a common and frequently utilized sensor in a wide range of applications that demand precise pressure sensing, […]
EGS002 Datasheet, Circuit Diagram Explained
The driver board EGS002 was created especially for single-phase sinusoid inverters. It makes use of an IR2110S driver chip and an ASIC EG8010 control chip. Protection against voltage, current, and temperature is included into the driver board. LEDs are used to indicate warnings, and fan control is included. Jumpers enable the setting of dead time, […]
How to Connect IC 4066 in a Circuit
In this article, I will try to explain how to connect the input and output pinouts of the bilateral switch IC 4066. We will learn how to correctly configure and use the IC 4066 pinouts in a circuit. The 4066 actually performs the role of an analogue switch. The 4066 is an integrated circuit made […]