In this post I have explained the fundamental tips and theories which may be useful for the newcomers while designing or dealing with basic inverter concepts. I have explained more. What’s an Inverter It’s a device which converts or inverts a low voltage, high DC potential into a low current high alternating voltage such as […]
Inverter Circuits
300 Watts PWM Controlled Pure Sine Wave Inverter Circuit
The following article which discusses a 300 watt pure sine wave inverter circuit with automatic output voltage correction, is a modified version of one of my previous posts, and was submitted to me by Mr. Marcelin. I have explained more about the converter implementations. The Design The idea was inspired by the design presented in this article […]
IC 556 Pure Sine Wave Inverter Circuit
In the following post I have explained a pure sine wave inverter circuit using the IC 556 which forms the main sine wave processor device in the circuit. How it Works The presented design actually produces a modified sine wave output, but the waveform is highly processed and constitutes an exact equivalent of a sinusoidal […]
Designing a Grid-Tie Inverter Circuit
A grid tie inverter works quite like a conventional inverter, however the power output from such inverter is fed and tied with the AC mains from the utility grid supply. As long as the mains AC supply is present, the inverter contributes its power to the existing grid mains supply, and stops the process when […]
2 Cool 50 Watt Inverter Circuits for Students and Hobbyists
A 50 watt inverter circuit might look quite trivial, but it can serve some useful purposes to you. When outdoors, this small power house can be used for operating small electronic gadgets, soldering iron, table top radios, incandescent lights, fans etc. Let’s learn 2 homemade 50 watt inverter circuit designs, beginning with a brief description […]
2 Easy Automatic Inverter/Mains AC Changeover Circuits
I have been put forth with this question many times in this blog, how do we add a changeover selector switch for automatically toggling of an inverter when AC mains is present and vice versa. And also the system must enable automatic switching of the battery charger such that when AC mains is present the […]