In this article I will try to explain the basic concept of a solar inverter and also how to make a simple yet powerful solar inverter circuit. Solar power is abundantly available to us and is free to use, moreover it’s an unlimited, unending natural source of energy, easily accessible to all of us. What’s […]
Inverter Circuits

How to Design Your Own Inverter Transformer
Designing an inverter transformer can be a complex affair. However, using the various formulas and by taking the help of one practical example shown here, the operations involved finally become very easy. The present article explains through a practical example the process of applying the various formulas for making an inverter transformer.The various formulas required […]
How to Build a 100 Watt, Pure Sine Wave Inverter
The circuit provided in this article shows you a simple way of building a useful liitle inverter that’s easy to build and yet provides the features of a pure sine wave inverter. The circuit can be easily modified for getting higher outputs. Introduction Let’s begin the discussion about how to build a 120 Volt, 100 […]
How to Make a Simple 200 VA, Homemade Power Inverter Circuit – Square Wave Concept
An efficiency of around 85 % and a power output of more than 200 watts is what you will get from the present design of a power inverter (home built). Complete circuit schematic and building procedure explained herein. Introduction You might have come across many articles regarding power inverters, however you might be still confused […]
How to Build a 400 Watt High Power Inverter Circuit
Interested to make your own power inverter with built in charger? A simple 400 watt inverter circuit with charger that can be very easily built and optimized has been provided in this article. Read the complete discussion through neat illustrations. Introduction A massive 400 watts power inverter with built in charger circuit has been thoroughly […]
4 Simple Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Circuits Explored
In this post I have investigated 4 simple 220V Mains Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) designs using 12V battery, which can be understood and constructed by any new enthusiast. These circuits can be used for operating an appropriately selected appliance or load, let’s explore the circuits. Design#1: Simple UPS using a Single IC A simple idea […]