In this post I have explained how to illuminate an LED using wireless power transmission. Wireless Power Technology Wireless power is an emerging technology in this present world. But the stunning fact is that it’s a century old concept. This concept was emerged by Nikola Tesla. Charging batteries through wireless power is used in many […]
Lamps and Lights

Electric Match (Ematch) Circuit Firework Ignitor
In this post I will comprehensively explain a simple electric match igniter circuit which can be used for implementing a foolproof ignition of a series of Ematches through a microcontroller based control system. The idea was requested and explained by Mr. Jerry Shallis The details may be understood by reading the following email discussion between […]
How to make simple a LI-FI (Light Fidelity) Circuit
LI-FI is buzzing around the Internet since past few years; recently LI-FI is gained more popularity around the internet and developers. LI-FI stands for Light Fidelity which was coined by Harald Hass. Circuit Objective The objective of LI-FI is transfer data through visible light. Since the bandwidth of visible light is 10,000 times more than […]
220V Dual Alternate Lamp Flasher Circuit
This is a mains operated transformerless flasher circuit that can be used for alternately switching a couple of CFL or similar 220V/120V lamp to produce a decorative lighting effect. Circuit Operation The below shown design depicts a simple mains operated dual or alternate lamp flasher, which is designed to flash or blink two mains operated […]
LED Meteor Shower, Rain Tube Circuit
In this post I have explained how to design an intriguing LED light effect that generates a collapsing metor shower like appearance. The idea was requetsed by Mr.Pinto Mondal. Technical Specifications I am very grateful of your work. Sir I want to make a circuit,which available in the market like 1 or 1.5ft long led […]
Arduino Random RGB Light Generator Circuit
The article discusses a simple,Arduino red, green, blue LED light effect generator circuit in a random pattern. In one of the earlier posts we came across a similar RGB LED effect generator circuit using Arduino which was programmed to produce the effect in a flowing sequential manner, whereas here the set up can be expected […]