The circuit idea I have I have explained in this article can be used for controlling the intensity of many LEDs through a ceiling fan dimmer switch unit. This circuit was requested by Mr. Joseph who wanted a simple method through which an ordinary home dimmer switch could be integrated with a chain of LEDs for controlling its brightness from […]
Lamps and Lights

3 Watt, 5 Watt LED DC to DC Constant Current Driver Circuit
The following article provides a simple yet very decent solution for driving powerful LEDs rated at 3 watt or 5 watt. Circuit Objective These 3 watt 5 watt and similar high watt LEDs are able to produce highly intense and powerful light outputs, however these are extremely vulnerable too with their operating parameter. I have […]
Converting Ordinary Rice Bulb String Light to LED String Light
In this post we study how to convert a rice bulb string light into an LED string light using some simply circuit modification. Circuit Concept Whether it’s during a festive occasion or for mere decoration purpose, the Chinese rice bulb flashing lights have become hugely popular nowadays These can be seen as multiple interlaced wire strings consisting of many different […]
Simple PIR LED Lamp Circuit
The following PIR LED lamp circuit was designed by me for one of the followers of this blog Mr.Deepak upon his request. The circuit is a LED driver which responds to ambient light as well as to the presence of a human, person or intruder, and varies its illumination accordingly, let’s know more. Technical Specifications “I was looking to […]
Battery Over Charge Protected Emergency Lamp Circuit
The following LED emergency light with battery over charge protection feature circuit was designed by me in response to the request sent by PP. Main Features In this article I have explained an LED emergency light circuit with advanced features such as, over charge battery cut off, day time auto-disable, and need less to say […]
SMD LED based Emergency Lamp Circuit
An emergency lamp using SMD LEDs is able to generate illuminations with extreme brightness due to the high efficiency of the SMD type LEDs. Moreover, SMD LEDs also ensure the unit will be very compact and lightweight. The following post explains a simple circuit diagram of an automatic emergency lamp using 36 nos. SMD LEDs. The circuit […]