In this post I have explained a simple plug-in type night lamp circuit with delayed switch OFF and dimming facilities. The entire circuit is built using a transformerless power supply which ensures that the unit is very compact and can be plugged into any existing 220V mains AC socket. Circuit Description The electronic schematic of […]
Lamps and Lights

LED Flashlight Circuit using 1.5 V Cell
This LED flashlight circuit is able to power a Luxeon type LED with a single 1.5 V battery. This results in a miniature flashlight that will not run out quickly. By: P. Martin Basically it is a boost converter circuit which boosts the 1.5 V DC from a AAA cell and converts it into a […]
LED Light Circuit for Street Vendors, Hawkers, Shopkeepers
In this article I have explained how to build a very simple, low cost LED lamp with charger. This unit can be used by any street seller, vendor, hawker, to illuminate his shop during night. Thus, the light will ensure that the seller can continue to do business even after dusk to enhance his profits. […]
Neon Tube Driver Circuit
The high-voltage neon tube driver circuit discussed in this article generates 500 volts of high-frequency AC (15 kHz). This circuit may be used to brightly illuminate all types of neon tubes. Neon ranks among the best when it comes to striking, eye-catching lighting displays. Virtually every industry, from pizza restaurants to clothes boutiques, uses neon […]
220 V Multiple Light Effect Generator Circuit
If you are looking for a multiple light effect generator circuit to generate sequencing, reverse/forward light effects, using 220 V colorful lamps, then this circuit might help you. How the Circuit Works The following figure displays the Light Effect Generator circuit diagram. This circuit has an oscillator, a few control logic stages, a 5 V […]
Blinking LED Circuit using LDR and Resistors
This is perhaps the most simplest looking LED flasher that does not depend on any semiconductor. This LED blinker circuit utilizes ordinary passive components like a few resistors, a capacitor and an LDR. Meaning, this LED flasher does not depend on transistors or ICs to create the blinking effect. Circuit Description The LED-LDR combination is […]