A very interesting musical Christmas decoration light circuit can be built using a single IC, and some other few passive components, let’s learn the details as furnished below. By: Ritu Panday How it Works The circuit of a selectable muti-musical song player with 5 sequential light pattern generator is discussed here using just a single […]
Lamps and Lights

Greatest Myths about LED Lighting
LED lighting products are relatively new for the commercial market and as with any new product, they have to deal with doubt and negative comments from consumers’ side. There just is a lot of false information about LED lights that creates many misconceptions about them. So here are the greatest myths about LED lamps and […]
Controlling LED Strip Light ON/OFF and Brightness with any Remote Control
In this post I will show how to construct LED strip controller circuit using Arduino, which can turn ON/OFF and decrease/increase brightness of LEDs using ordinary IR (Infrared) remote. What is LED Strip Light? (For noobs) If you are not familiar with LED strip lights, let’s understand what it is. LED strips (sometimes called as […]
Remote Controlled Solar Lamp Intensity Controller Circuit
In this post I have explained a simple remote controlled solar lamp intensity controller circuit which can be used for controlling the street lamp LED intensity without practically reaching for the LED box. The idea was requested by one of the dedicated members of this website Circuit Objectives and Requirements I have successful build this […]
Illuminated Crosswalk Safety Light Circuit
In this article I have explained a simple illuminated crosswalk safety light circuit for ensuring a safe walking passage for the user amidst heavy traffic. The idea was requested by Mr. John. Circuit Objectives and Requirements I recently came upon your website while researching circuits for a hobby project i’m working on. I certainly admire […]
“WELCOME” LED Display Circuit
In this post I have explained how to make a chasing “WELCOME” display circuit sign board, which illuminates each alphabet sequentially until all the 7 alphabets are lit and then the whole display shuts off, the cycle continues permanently as long as the circuit is powered. Overview I have already discussed a similar concept explaining […]