In this post I have explained an effective PWM motor soft start circuit which can be used for enabling heavy motors with a soft start and thus prevent the equipment from drawing dangerous high currents. Why a Soft Start High wattage motors such pump motors or other forms of heavy industrial motors tend to draw […]
Motor Controller

Toy Motor Circuit with Timed Reverse Forward Action
In this post I have explained a simple programmed reverse forward motor circuit which is used for accomplishing a toy application. The idea was requested by Mr. Matthew. Technical Specifications I am a new follower of your website which is a great resource! I need your help designing a circuit please. My daughter has a […]
Incubator Reverse Forward Motor Controller Circuit
In this post I have explained a reverse forward timer circuit for operating an incubator motor mechanism with a preferred set of movements. The idea was requested by Mr. Anwar Technical Specifications I am from Indonesia….. I Need Schematics For Incubator Timer with High Torque Motor (DC Motor Power Window in Car). I am trying […]
How to Make a 3 Phase VFD Circuit
The presented 3 phase VFD circuit (designed by me) can be used for controlling the speed of any three phase brushed AC motor or even a brushless AC motor. The idea was requested by Mr. Tom Using the VFD The proposed 3-phase VFD circuit can be universally applied for most 3-phase AC motors where the […]
3 Phase Brushless (BLDC) Motor Driver Circuit
In this post I have explained how to make a simple 3 phase brushless DC motor driver circuit. The circuit employs the popular IRS2330 3-phase driver IC The presented idea looks simple since most of the technicalities is taken care of efficiently by the IC itself, it’s all about connecting the relevant pinouts with the […]
How Brushless DC (BLDC) Motors Work
The post comprehensively details the basic operating concept of brushless DC motors also called BLDC motor. Difference Between Brushed and Brushless DC Motors In our traditional brushed motors brushes are employed in order to switch the central moving rotor with respect to the surrounding stationery permanent magnet stator. Brushes become imperative because the rotor is […]