Basically an SCR ( Silicon Controlled Rectifier) which is also known by the name Thyristor works quite like a transistor. What SCR Stands for The device gets its name (SCR) due to its multi layered semiconductor internal structure which refers to the “silicon” word in the beginning of its name. The second part of the […]
Electronics Theory
How Mosquito Traps Work
Mosquito and other forms of fly trap mechanisms work by making use of luring techniques for attracting the insects, which involve carbon dioxide gas, body odor simulators and ultraviolet lights. These traps become very useful in areas which may be highly infested with mosquitoes, however due to its high costs such traps are not very […]
What’s PWM, How to Measure it
PWM stands for pulse width modulation which signifies the variable nature of the pulse widths that may be generated from a particular source such as a discrete IC, MCU, or a transistorized circuit. What’s PWM In simple terms a PWM process is nothing but switching ON and OFF a supply voltage at a particular rate […]
How to Use Resistors with LED, Zener and Transistor
In this post I have explained how to use resistors while designing an electronic circuits using LEDs, zener diodes, or transistors. This article can be very useful for the new hobbyists who normally get confused with the resistor values to be used for a specific component and for the desired application. What is a Resistor […]
How to Connect Diodes in Parallel
In this post we systematically discuss how to connect diodes in parallel for getting upgrading the overall current specifications of the assembly. This requires special circuit arrangement to ensure uniform current distribution between the devices. Whenever an inductor based load is involved in a DC circuit, incorporating a back EMF protection diode or a freewheeling […]
How to Make Adjustable Current Limiter Circuits
In many sensitive electronic circuits or loads, adjusting the current limit in its power supply could be one of the most crucial requirements for ensuring a fail proof safety for the various vulnerable devices. A simple method of sensing current this using resistors has been discussed in this article. Integrating a Current Sensor Stage The […]