A correctly calculated MOSFET turn-ON process ensures that the device is switched ON with optimal efficiency. While designing MOSFET based circuits you might have wondered what is the correct way […]
Electronics Theory
BJT Transfer Characteristics
In BJTs or bipolar transistors, transfer characteristics can be understood as plotting of an output current against an input-controlling magnitude, which consequently exhibits a direct “transfer” of variables from input […]
MOSFETs – Enhancement-Type, Depletion-Type
Two main types of FETs that presently exist are: JFETs and MOSFETs. MOSFETs can be further classified into depletion type and enhancement type. Both these types define the fundamental mode […]
Darlington Transistor Calculations
Darlington transistor is a well known and popular connection using a pair of bipolar transistor junction transistor (BJT), designed for operating like an unified “superbeta” transistor. The following diagram shows […]
P-Channel MOSFET in H-Bridge Applications
Implementing P-channel MOSFETs in an H-bridge circuit may look easy and enticing, however it may require some stringent calculations and parameters for achieving an optimal response. P-channel MOSFETs are usually […]
Field-Effect Transistors (FET)
The field-effect transistor (FET) is an electronic device in which an electric field is used to regulate the flow of current. To implement this a potential difference is applied across […]