In this post I have explained a simple laser GSM call alert security circuit which immediately calls the master as soon as an intruder is detected through a laser beam interruption. The idea was requested by Mr. Roldan. Circuit Objectives and Requirements I am not an electronic engineer, but I can manage to troubleshoot minor […]
Security and Alarm
Foolproof Laser Security Alarm Circuit
In this post I have explained a a simple yet versatile foolproof laser security alarm circuit which can be used for securing any concerned premise with extreme accuracy. The idea was requested by GPS. Circuit Objectives and Requirements Your circuits were very useful to me. Thanks for all your posts, but i wanted something different […]
Make this SleepWalk Alert Circuit – Protect yourself from Sleepwalking Dangers
Do you have a habit of walking in night? Well, that habit isn’t that good, so one must try to get rid of it gradually. This article discusses a simple sleep walk alert circuit that might help you in getting out of this habit. By: SS Kopparthy Circuit Objective This circuit is a simple idea […]
433 MHz Remote Infrared Wireless Alarm
A simple infrared wireless alarm circuit can be built using an 433 MHz RF remote control unit a TSOP based IR sensor, I have explained the procedures in detail. In a few of the other posts I have discussed regarding these RF remote control modules. For more info you may go through the following relevant […]
Wireless Home Security Circuit – Solar Powered
In this article I have explained a remote controlled wireless home security circuit using which enables the detection of a possible intrusion way in advance depending on how and where the remote sensors are positioned over the selected strategic locations and the desired distance from the house. The idea was requested by Mr. Dave Monette. […]
Detecting Static Human with PIR
In this post I have explained a method which can be probably used for enhancing a passive infrared sensor ability to detect even a static or stationery human presence. This feature is normally not possible with the conventional PIR sensors. How PIR Detect Human Presence I have already discussed many PIR based motion detector applications […]