This test set is primarily designed to test step-down, step-up transformers, for open and shorted winding. It can determine if the device under test has a low resistance to ac current. It can also measure the dc current resistancein ohms. By Henry Bowman Introduction The test set uses a 16 VAC, 60hz signal to determine […]
Meters and Testers
Simple MOSFET Tester and Sorter Circuit
This simple MOSFET tester does a quick job of testing both enhanced mode type N and P-channel mosfets. It checks for shorts between gate, drain and source. Designed By: Henry Bowman It also distinguishes between N and P-channel mosfets. Once the connections are correctly made to the mosfet, all testing is done without reversing connections. […]
Simple Transistor Diode Tester Meter Circuit
In this post I have explained how to make a simple yet efficient transistor/diode tester circuit, that will not only test the quality of a BJT, but will also help to identify whether it is is an NPN or a PNP. The circuit was designed and contributed by Mr. Henry Bowman. Circuit Operation Referring to […]
Make this Advanced Digital Ammeter using Arduino
In this post I will show how to construct a digital ammeter using 16 x 2 LCD display and Arduino. We will understand the methodology of measuring current using a shunt resistor and implement a design based on Arduino. The proposed digital ammeter can measure current ranging from 0 to 2 Ampere (absolute maximum) with […]
Digital Capacitance Meter Circuit Using Arduino
In this post I will show how to construct a digital capacitance meter circuit using Arduino which can measure capacitance of capacitors ranging from 1 microfarad to 4000 microfarad with reasonable accuracy. Introduction We measure value of the capacitors when the values written on the capacitor’s body is not legible, or to find the value […]
Arduino Tachometer Circuit for Precise Readings
A tachometer is a device that measures the RPM or angular velocity of a rotating body. It differs from speedometer and odometer as these devices deal with linear or tangential velocity of the body while tachometer a.k.a. “tach” deals with more fundamental the RPM. By Ankit Negi Tachometer is composed of a counter and a […]