In this post I have explained a simple ESR meter circuit which can be used for identifying bad capacitors in an electronic circuit without removing them practically from the circuit board. The idea was requested by Manual Sofian Technical Specifications Do you have a schematic about ESR meter. Technicians recommend me to check the electrolytic […]
Meters and Testers
LED Brightness and Efficiency Tester Circuit
In this post I have explained a simple LDR brightness and efficiency tester circuit set up using an LDR and a digital Ohm meter. The idea was requested by Mr. Prashant Technical Specifications I want to check brightness and light of 1 watt led. Can i check it with help of ldr. Bekoz luminous sensor […]
Simple 1.5 V Inductance Meter Circuit
Here a simplest yet quite accurate inductance meter is presented, which can be built within few minutes. Furthermore, the circuit can be powered-up with a single 1.5V cell. However, a frequency meter would be required to work-out the inductance. Designed and Presented by: Abu-Hafss Using Cross-Coupled NPN BJTs The circuit is pretty straight forward wherein, […]
LM317 IC Tester Circuit – Sort Out Good ICs from Faulty Ones
Here is simple but handy testing circuit for LM317 adjustable voltage regulator IC. I am sure it can be used to test other similar ICs like LM117, LM158, LM358 etc. The circuit is pretty straightforward. The circuit is based on normal configuration of adjustable voltage regulator. How it Works For details follow A DPDT […]
Satellite Signal Strength Meter Circuit
Here I have explained how to make a simple inexpensive satellite signal strength meter which can be used for aligning dish antennas with local satellites in order to achieve the correct positioning and maximum signal strength from the antenna. How LNB Works The LNBs that are used for receiving satellite signals (digital or analogue) are […]
Accurate Speedometer Circuit
Here we’ll see how a simple yet accurate analogue speedometer circuit can be constructed at home using just a single IC and a few external passive components. The speedometer can be universally used with all 2-wheeler, 3-wheeler, even in bicycles for indicating their speeds. Using Frequency to Voltage Converter In my previous article I have […]