Everyone is familiar with the mechanical measuring tape made of wood to measure human height. We offer you an original electronic version that operates based on the use of ultrasound. The circuit can be also used to measure distances between two surfaces or walls. Basic Working Ultrasounds are part of the range of sounds that […]
Mini Projects
Best IC 4060 Circuits and Projects
The IC 4060 is a widely used integrated circuit in electronic circuits due to its capacity to operate as a timer, oscillator, and divider. It is the perfect option for professionals, students, and enthusiasts alike due to its affordability and adaptability. There are many IC 4060 circuit projects that can be built, ranging from simple […]
Best IC 555 Circuits and Projects
The IC 555 timer is a popular and adaptable integrated circuit that has established itself as a standard in the electronics industry. It is a well-liked option for DIY and educational projects thanks to its straightforward design, inexpensive price, and simplicity of accessibility. The IC 555 timer, which can produce a variety of waveforms including […]
12 Simple IC 4093 Circuits and Projects Explained
The 4093 is a 14-pin package containing four positive-logic, 2-input NAND Schmitt trigger gates as shown in the following figure. It is possible to operate the four NAND gates separately or collectively. The individual logic gates of the IC 4093 works in the following manner. As you can see each gate has two inputs (A […]
Basic Op Amp Circuits and Projects
In the following article I have explained op amp basic application circuits and projects, with equations, for solving their specific component values. Op-amps (operational amplifiers) are a specialized type of integrated circuit that include a directly-coupled, high-gain amplifier with an overall response characteristics adjusted by a feedback. The op-amp derives its name from the fact […]
Circuit Projects for Beginners and School Students
In this article I have explained how to build small electronic circuit projects suitable for beginners, young hobbyists, school students, who are new to electronics and are at the initial learning stage. Which Circuit Projects are Suitable for the Beginners? Warning: In this article there are a few circuits which are not isolated from AC […]