Generating electricity from piezo could be as easy as making a flick with your finger….. curious to know how? I have explained more about this amazing device called piezo, which can be used for generating music as well as electricity. How Piezo Responds to Force and Electricity Piezo material is a crystalline substance which has […]
Free Energy

Free Energy from Induction Cooktop
The idea of acquiring free energy from induction cookwares using an external bifilar coil was suggested by one of the keen enthusiasts and a regular visitor of this blog. I have explained more regarding the details of this interesting free energy device, as explained by the author himself. WARNING: THIS CONCEPT ATTEMPTS TO VIOLATE THE […]
Making a Thermoelectric Generator (TEG) Circuit
A thermoelectric generator (TEG) is a kind of “free energy device” which has the property of converting temperature into electricity. In this post I have explained a little about this concept and find out how we can use it to generate electricity from heat and cold. What’s TEG In one of my earlier articles I […]
Motionless Electromagnetic Generator (MEG)
A term MEG refers to motionless electromagnetic generator circuit which is designed to generate electrical energy without using any moving components or involving any kind of mechanical stages. How a MEG Device Woks The device is made solely through a strategic placement and interaction of permanent magnets, coils and a ferromagnetic core. The specialty of […]
Using Treadmill Exercise Bike to Charge Batteries
In this post I have explained how to use an exercise bike or a treadmill for charging a battery through a simple shunt regulator circuit with full charge cut-off feature. The idea was proposed by Mr. Peter Jaffe. Exercise Bike for Charging Battery I have been following your circuit tips for a little while. Very […]
Generate Electricity from Regenerative Braking System for Vehicles
Whenever brakes are applied in any vehicle, a lot of energy is wasted in the process of stopping the vehicle mass and again restoring the mass back to its original speed. The simple idea designed by me appears to be quite effective in solving this issue. I have explained more about this simple regenerative braking […]