The post provides an in-depth description of the Flynn motor circuit concept and furnishes the rough replication details for the same. Parallel Path Concept In one of my previous posts we got a comprehensive view regarding what’s populary known as the parallel path magnetic theory In this theory a relatively weaker electromagnetic assistance is used […]
Free Energy

Parallel Path Overunity device
In this post I have explained the making of a parallel path overunity device through a few magnets and coils. What is Parallel Path Technology Parallel path technology was first introduced by Mr. Joe Flynn and it’s also called the Flynn’s concept. In this concept or theory, a relatively weaker electromagnetic influence is used for […]
How to Generate Cold Electricity
Cold electricity is generated using an unconventional principle via the negative line of an LC network, which stimulates the flow of positive charge in the line, causing an entropic negative charge to develop across the inductor, which is eventually transferred into the capacitor as “cold” electricity. It’s termed as “cold” since it works within a […]
Free Energy Receiving Concept – Tesla Coil Concept
For a novice, to understand more on Free Energy Receiver concept, let’s consider a solar-electric panel; widely used as an alternative to electrical energy. Discussing Nikola Tesla’s Free Energy Concepts The invention of Nikola Tesla differs, but the closest thing to his invention can be found in a conventional energy – the photo-voltaics. One major […]
How to Collect Free Energy from Atmosphere
A free energy collector circuit helps to convert surrounding radio frequency waves to electric power and can provide 40 watts to 10 watts indefinitely. The Circuit Concept An option to increase the output power is achievable through proper set-up of an antenna. Placing an antenna in a close proximity of a large metal object helps […]
Free Energy Bicycle Generator Circuit
In the following post I have explained a simple circuit idea which can be used for generating free electrical energy for illuminating a few safety flashing LEDs on a Bicycle. The Circuit Concept A bicycle like any other modern vehicle needs provision of lighting system for its use at night or cycling in lesser light. Usually […]