In this article I will explain a simple curtain controller circuit designed by me which can be used to control the opening and closing of a curtain through a remote control. Overview Referring to the circuit diagram in your screen, we can see there are just two relays employed for implementing a remote controlled opening […]
Remote Control Circuits
3 Laser Beam Controlled Circuits Explored
A compact, battery-powered transmitter emits a LASER beam when the control push button is activated. The beam is frequency-coded to provide a maximum level of reliability in transmission. The receiver can be located at a considerable distance from the transmitter (up to several tens of meters). The light beam, by definition, remains highly focused, and […]
Control Lights, Fan, using TV Remote [Full Circuit Diagram]
In today’s world, the idea of control is strongly connected to the ability to use remote devices. Home automation, known as domotics, allows us to switch ON/OFF various things such as televisions, hi-fi systems, blinds, curtains, garage gates, and even the brightness of lights using a small control unit. The signals for controlling these devices […]
Sound Activated Remote Control Circuit
This sound activated remote control circuit can be used to operate any electrical load ON/OFF, through a double sound command. Thus, the circuit ensures that the load cannot be operated through any random single sound triggers, which makes the circuit very fool proof. Our device will require two shifted sound commands. However, the second sound […]
Whistle Activated Switch Circuit
In this post I have explained how to build a simple whistle sound operated relay circuit, which can be used for switching ON/OFF a 220 V load through whistle sounds. You can consider this circuit to be a whistle operated remote control circuit which will operate a connected load remotely through the sound of whistling. […]
Firecracker Igniter circuit [Remote Controlled with Timer]
In this post I will show how to construct a few fireworks ignition circuits which can safely ignite them via IR remote and timer. We have proposed three firecracker igniter circuit designs using ordinary components which we will be exploring them in detail. Before we jump in to the circuit details, we have a word […]