To make this simple MPPT circuit we first modify a standard LM317 power supply circuit into a buck converter then configure it with a solar panel for implementing an MPPT function. Modifying a LM317 Power Supply into an MPPT Solar Optimizer In our previous article I have explained how a standard LM317 power supply could […]
Solar Controller Circuits
How to Design a Solar Inverter Circuit
When a DC to AC inverter is operated through a solar panel, it is called a solar inverter. The solar panel power is either directly used for operating the inverter or it’s used for charging the inverter battery. In both the case the inverter works without depending on mains utility grid power. Designing a solar […]
Connecting MPPT with Solar Inverter
The small discussion I have I have explained in this article explains whether or not it is advisable to Connect parallel MPPTs with Solar inverters for increasing the net current value of the MPPTs. The question was raised by Mr. Ahmed Qaid Want to Convert Home Inverter to Solar hello sir, I have many questions […]
Simple Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Generator Circuit
In this post I have explained a simple vertical axis wind turbine generator circuit using ready made high power generator dynamo and a vertical axis wind turbine mechanism. The idea was requested by Mr. Taibani. Circuit Objectives and Requirements Hope you’re doing well. Firstly thanks for all the great knowledge & information you have given […]
Solar Inverter for 1.5 Ton Air Conditioner
Here I have explained how to build a solar inverter circuit for a 1.5 ton air conditioner (AC) for powering the AC during daytime directly from solar panels without depending on grid power. The idea was requested by Mr. Subhashish. Main Specifications A 1.5 ton air conditioner is equivalent to an approximately 1.5 x 1200 […]
Greywater Purifier Desalination System
In this post I have explained a simple grey water purifier, desalination design arrangement which can be used for recycling greywater into pure usable distilled water completely free of cost through solar heat concentration. The idea was requested by Mr. Luis Gomes Machado Circuit Objectives and Requirements I wrote to you on a forum last […]