The article comprehensively discusses a MPPT based smart solar cell phone charger circuit. The idea was requested by one of the avid readers of this blog. Technical Specifications I am an electric and electronics final year student. My final year project title is smart solar charger for cellular phones. i was hoping sir can help […]
Solar Controller Circuits

Optimizing Grid, Solar Electricity with Inverter
In this post I have explained a circuit method which may be used to automatically switch and adjust the stronger counterpart amongst the solar panel, battery and the grid such that the load always gets the optimized power for an interrupted error for operations. The idea was requested by Mr. Raj. Technical Specifications Your projects/ circuits […]
Solar Panel Enhancer Using Solar Mirror Concept
In this post I have explained a couple of homemade techniques for enhancing a solar panel output performance by many folds. Today solar panels are being widely implemented for harnessing free solar electricity, however everything may not be so good as it appears to be with these units due to the involved inefficiency with these […]
Self Optimizing Solar Battery Charger Circuit
In this post I have explained a simple IC 555 based self optimizing solar battery charger circuit with buck converter circuit that automatically sets and adjusts the charging voltage in response to the fading sunlight conditions, and tries to maintain an optimal charging power for the battery, regardless of the sun ray intensities. Using a […]
Solar Powered Induction Heater Circuit
In this post I have explained an induction cooker/heater design which may be powered from a solar panel voltage. The idea was requested by Mr. Vamshee Technical Specifications My name is Vamshee and i am from hyderabad , India I am a small time entrepreneur looking to promote and sell new age products into the […]
Super Capacitor Hand Cranked Charger Circuit
In this post I have explained a simple super capacitor hand cranked charger circuit using bridge rectifier which may be applied for charging a bank of super capacitors through any suitable hand cranked generator machine. The idea was requested by Mrs. Janet Prevent Reverse Discharge in Super Capacitors For a DIY project I bought a […]