In this post I have explained how to make a very easy solar tracker circuit using a predetermined algorithm through a 555 IC timer circuit. Introduction In this site I have already published a solar tracker system circuit which is intended for automatically adjusting the solar panel face such that it stays perpendicular to the incident sun rays at […]
Solar Controller Circuits

9 Simple Solar Battery Charger Circuits
Simple solar charger circuits are small devices which allow you to charge a battery quickly and cheaply, through solar panels. A simple solar charger circuit must have 3 basic features built-in: In this post I will comprehensively explain nine best yet simple solar battery charger circuits using the IC LM338, transistors, MOSFET, buck converter, etc […]
How to Make a Simple Solar Inverter Circuit
In this article I will try to explain the basic concept of a solar inverter and also how to make a simple yet powerful solar inverter circuit. Solar power is abundantly available to us and is free to use, moreover it’s an unlimited, unending natural source of energy, easily accessible to all of us. What’s […]
How to Make Simple Solar Cooker at Home
If you are fed-up of ordinary inefficient solar cooker designs and wondering how to make a solar cooker that works in a truly effective way, then probably you have reached the right destination. A low cost solar cooker design that heats up instantly and actually cooks your food in minutes has been meticulously discussed here. […]
Potato Battery Circuit – Electricity from Vegetables and Fruits
In this article I have explained how vegetables can be used for making an organic battery, through an example of a practical potato battery experiment. Alessandro Volta was probably the first man to devise the method and idea of generating electricity from electrolytic solutions. According to his concept, two dissimilar metals when brought in contact […]
Make Your Own Rapid Sea Water Desalination Plant at Home
A simple, low cost set up I have explained in this article will give you a clear idea regarding how to desalinate sea water at a fast rate and in large quantities. The conventional method of solar sea water desalination process is quite sluggish and cumbersome. A simple, low cost but effective idea presented here […]