The post narrates a simple yet highly accurate adjustable 1 to 10 minute timer circuit with display. The idea was requested by one of the dedicated readers of this blog. Technical Specifications I am trying to build a circuit to help me with giving speeches. I have a bunch of parts already and I would […]
Timer and Delay Relay

Week Day Programmable Timer Circuit
In this post I have explained a couple of interesting timer circuits customized as per individual requirements. The first one is a kind of week/day programmable timer circuit for actuating a motor for a predetermined time only during certain selected days of the week, while the second timer circuit is for alerting a lecturer regarding the finish of the allotted time […]
Simple Adjustable Industrial Timer Circuit
In this post I have explained a simple and effective industrial timer circuit which can be universally used for most industrial and home timer based applications. The idea was requested by Mr. Vasilis K. Technical Specifications I have a question regarding the 4060 ic wired as “one shot timer.” If it can power on the […]
Simple Triac Timer Circuit
Here’s a simple triac timer circuit which can be used for switching ON a particular device after a predetermined time, set through the given pot or the variable resistor. The shown circuit diagram of a simple triac timer can be understood by referring to the following explanation: How it Works The left hand side section […]
2 Simple School Bell Timer Circuits Explained
In this article I have explained two very useful school bell timer circuits which can be used for ringing school bell automatically for each period as per the set time duration. The first circuit is designed using a handful of IC 4060, and the second circuit concept is configured around the IC 4017. I have […]
Programmable Bidirectional Motor Timer Circuit
In this post I have explained a programmable bidirectional motor timer circuit for controlling a custom industrial mechanism. The idea was requested by Mr. Milton Technical Specifications I am a glass specialist, pretty good with DIY etc, but not too hot on electrics. I am planning a build for a 10mm Toughened Glass Watch display […]