In this post I have explained a DC power controller circuit which can be used for controlling the power of motors and lamps with maximum efficiency. By Sangeeta Naik How MOSFETs conduct to Handle Power Efficiently A minimum amount of power is lost whenever a power transistor (BJT or MOSFET) is in the turned off […]
Voltage Control and Protection
How RCCB Works [with Circuit Diagram]
A Residual Current Circuit Breaker (RCCB) or a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI), is a form of circuit breaker which will shut down mains AC power as soon as it detects an discrepancy between the incoming current and the outgoing current, through it. The primary objective of an RCCB device is to cut-off main AC […]
Prevent Relay Arcing using RC Snubber Circuits
In this article I have explained the formula and techniques of configuring RC circuit networks for controlling the arcing across relay contacts while switching heavy inductive loads. Arc suppression An arc is produced across the contacts when a switch or a relay is opened. With time, this condition can wear down the contacts. To overcome […]
5 KVA to 10 KVA Automatic Voltage Stabilizer – 220 Volts, 120 Volts
Voltage stabilizer in the range of kVAs are powerful AC voltage stabilizer units specially designed for controlling and stabilizing high voltage fluctuations, for high power electrical equipment. In this article I have explained an easy to build a 7 stage high wattage in the order of 5000 to 1000 watts stabilizer circuit which can be […]
Surge Arrestor Circuit with Measuring Facility
In this post I have explained about a simple surge voltage protector circuit using a fuse and a triac crowbar circuit and also learn the method to record and measure the last maximum surge that could have destroyed the specified load in case the protection was not introduced. The idea was requested by Mr. Akram. […]
Triac Phase Control using PWM Time Proportional
A triac phase control using a PWM circuit can be useful only if it’s implemented using a time-proportional format, otherwise the response could be haphazard and inefficient. In a few of of my earlier articles as given below: Simple Remote Controlled Fan Regulator Circuit Push Button Fan Regulator with Display Circuit Dimmer Circuit for LED […]