There are many types of voltage-to-current and current-to-voltage converter circuits, and most of them use a combination of opamps and transistors to achieve a high level of accuracy. But when high accuracy isn’t necessary, a simple converter of this type can be made using just one or two resistors. Resistor as Voltage to Current Converter […]
Voltage Control and Protection
How to Make a 220V to 110V Converter Circuit
In this post we will unravel a few homemade crude 220V to 110V converter circuits options which will enable to user the user use it for operating small gadgets with a different voltage specs. UPDATE: An SMPS circuit is the recommended option for building this converter, so for an SMPS 220V to 110V converter design […]
Mains AC Short Circuit Breaker/Protector – Electronic MCB
In this post I will try to explain the making of a simple 220 V, 120 V AC mains short circuit breaker using an SCR and a triac combination, (researched and designed by me). The circuit is an electronic version of the normal main circuit breaker MCB units that we use in our homes. Note: […]
2-Stage Mains AC Voltage Stabilizer Circuit
In this article I have explained how to make a 2 relay or two stage mains AC voltage stabilizer circuit for controlling and regulating 220V or 120V mains voltages through a simple circuit. Introduction In this power stabilizer circuit, one relay is wired to select the high or the low tap from the stabilizer transformer […]
SCR/Triac Controlled Automatic Voltage Stabilizer Circuit
In this article I have explained a relatively simple triac controlled automatic mains voltage stabilizer circuit, which uses logic ICs and a few triacs for controlling the mains voltage levels. Why Solid State Being solid state in design, the voltage switching transitions are very smooth with minimum wear and tear, resulting in efficient voltage stabilization. […]
3 Tested 220V High and Low Voltage Cut OFF Circuits Using IC LM324 and Transistors
An AC mains high/low cut-off device will cut off or disconnect the mains supply from home electrical whenever a high voltage or low voltage situation is detected. In this way it ensures total safety to the home wiring and appliances from fire hazards, due to abnormal over voltages, brown outs or low voltages. In this […]