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Communication Protocols in Microcontrollers Explained 

In this post I am going to explain various communication protocols that are used by microcontrollers, microprocessors and ICs for communicating with various sensors, electronic drivers, input and output devices. 

We will see:

Why do communication protocols exist in electronics?

In electronics various communication protocols are developed and standardized so that sensors, drivers and various input and output devices can communicate with each other seamlessly. 

If there were no standardized communication protocols, different manufactures may fabricate sensors, drivers, peripherals etc. in their own way and hardly any sensors and peripherals will be compatible with other manufacturer's specifications and developing a product and debugging / fixing them in such a scenario will be a tedious task.

Each mentioned protocol in electronics is established for specific purposes and circumstances and a product developer may choose one or more according to their needs and specifications. 

In this post we will be exploring about four mainstream communication protocols that will be encountered by all embedded system developers and programmers.

Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter (UART):

UART is a serial communication protocol that transmits and receives data one bit at time from least significant bit to most significant bit.

We need two devices for establishing a UART communication and it is full duplex, meaning the data can be transmitted and received simultaneously.

UART communication requires two wires (bus); Tx – transmit, Rx- receive and a common ground for completing the circuit between the two devices. The Tx of one device will be connected to the Rx of the other device and similarly the Rx of one device is connected to the Tx of another device.

The speed at which the data is transmitted or received is called baud rate which is essentially bits per second. The common baud rates are 9600, 115200 etc. 

Voltage levels:

The UART data is transmitted and received at two different voltage levels and there are two standards called RS-232 and RS-485. RS-232 operates at 12V and RS-485 operates at 5V.  

Data framing for UART:   

Data frame or timing diagram is an important aspect of any communication protocol because it describes how the data bits are transmitted, received and synchronized on a communication bus.

A firmware program developer writes a program code based on the timing diagram for proper communication between sensors, microcontrollers and peripherals. 

The time length of a bit is determined by the baud rate and it is time critical. Before transmitting some data from one device to another it is mandatory to set the baud rate of both the devices the same.

Errors in UART communication:

Any communication between two points / devices is prone to errors / noise and UART is no exception. Here is the list of errors that may occur in a UART data transmission and UART is capable of detecting such errors.

UART will generate framing errors when it does not detect a stop bit at the expected stop bit position in the data frame.  

Parity error is generated when the number of “1” bits in the data frame does not agree with the parity bit that has been specified.  Parity error is generated only if the parity check is enabled in the code.

Break condition occurs when the receiver receives LOW signal for a longer period of time, typically for more than a character time. When a break condition occurs we will also get frame error as no stop signal is received.

Some equipment deliberately sends “break” when baud rates gets mismatched and may initiate a meaningful step to match the baud rate again like resetting the device.

Overrun error is generated when another byte of data arrives before the previous data on the buffer memory is read by the processor.   

Underrun error is generated in UART when the transmit buffer is empty or completed transmitting a byte. In UART this is NOT treated as an error. This error is taken seriously in USART communication.  

This concludes the UART protocol.

I2C communication protocol:

I2C is also known as inter-integrated circuit, it is often called “I squared C” in short. I2C protocol was developed by Philips Semiconductors in 1982. I2C communication bus is primarily used for communication between ICs, sensors and peripherals etc. over a short distance within a circuit board.

It is a two wire communication which sends and receives data serially; the two bus lines are SDA – serial data and SCL – serial clock.

The communication mode is half duplex, meaning bi-directional communication but only one device can send data and other must receive and the receiver cannot send data to the other simultaneously. 

In I2C the data is synchronized using a clock bus which makes sure the data is sent and received properly.

I2C utilizes open collector / open drain configuration meaning the I2C bus can be only pulled LOW but cannot pull HIGH, so we need to connect two external pull-up resistors on SDA and SCL lines ranging from 4.7K to 10K depending on the specifications.

The I2C bus can have multiple master devices and multiple slave devices in the same two wire bus.

The maximum limit of the number of devices that can be connected to the bus depends on the address modes (length).

If the I2C uses 7-bit address for recognizing a master or slave device, then maximum 128 devices can be connected, if it uses 10-bit address, then 1024 devices can be connected on a same bus.  

Speed of I2C bus:

Note: All data in bits.

Data framing of I2C & timing diagram:


All the master devices monitor I2C bus for stop condition and no master will send data to a slave when the bus busy.

When master devices detect stop conditions multiple masters may try to access the same bus, this creates dispute between master devices. 

To prevent such disputes on I2C buses, an arbitrage policy has been established.

The master device which sends ‘0’ on the device-address first on the data frame wins the arbitrage and the rest of the master devices wait on the I2C bus.

Clock stretching:

Clock stretching occurs when any device on the I2C bus holds the clock signal (SCL) line to LOW after receiving a byte and still processes the data and is not ready to receive the next bit. This forces the sender device to wait until the receiver device completes processing the data.

The receiving device can hold the SCL line as long as it requires and there are no timeout conditions specified in I2C protocol.

This concludes the I2C communication protocol. 

SPI communication protocol:

SPI stands for Serial Peripheral Interface; it was developed by Motorola in 1980s. It is synchronous serial communication meaning it requires a clock signal to sync data between master and slave devices and it is full-duplex, meaning it can send and receive data simultaneously.

SPI protocol is single master multi-slave protocol, meaning there will be only one master device and may have two or more slave devices. SPI is also known as a four-wire serial bus.

Interfacing SPI protocol:

Master & slave:


The SPI protocol needs four wires to interface and operate between master and slave device. 

Data transmission in SPI:

Clock polarity & clock phase in SPI:

Whenever we write a program code for SPI communication we must mention the clock polarity and clock phase, only then proper communication gets established.

Timing diagram of SPI communication:

There are four modes of SPI communication:

Please refer to the above timing diagram while reading the explanation given below.

MODE 0: When CPOL is set to 0, the idle state of the clock is LOW and when CPHASE (CPHA) is set to 0, the data will be read when the clock is at rising edge and the data bit is allowed to change when the clock is falling edge. 

MODE 1: When CPOL is set to 0, the idle clock state is LOW and when CPHASE (CPHA) is set to 1, the data will be read when the clock is at falling edge and the data bit is allowed to change when the clock at rising edge. 

MODE 2: When CPOL is set to 1, the idle clock state is HIGH and when CPHASE (CPHA) is set to 0, the data will be read when the clock is at falling edge and the data bit is allowed to change when the clock at rising edge. 

MODE 3: When CPOL is set to 1, the idle clock state is HIGH and when CPHASE (CPHA) is set to 1, the data will be read when the clock is at rising edge and the data bit is allowed to change when the clock is at falling edge. 

This concludes SPI communication protocol.

CAN protocol:

CAN stands for controller area network, developed by Robert Bosch in 1983 and released in 1986 at Society of Automotive Engineers, Michigan, USA.

CAN protocol was developed for automotive vehicles to simplify communication between various sensors, drivers and peripherals etc. CAN is a multi-master bus and there are no slave devices and all nodes act as a master.

It sends and receives data serially and the mode of communication is half duplex and asynchronous. Since the communication is asynchronous the bit rate of the all CAN devices must be the same in a bus. 

CAN is also a message broadcast system, meaning the data send over CAN bus is not targeted (from device A to device B like I2C or SPI), instead the broadcasted data will be read by all CAN devices and if the sent data is relevant to a CAN device it will process the data further and other CAN devices simply disregard the information.

Unlike I2C where a device address exists, CAN devices do not have a device address but it has an identifier.

Identifier conveys how important the message is (priority) and also used for arbitration management when multiple CAN devices start to communicate on the bus simultaneously. 

Hardware and electrical specification of CAN protocol:

CAN is a two wire protocol, its wires are twisted pair and unshielded. The two ends of the bus are terminated with 120 ohm resistors. The two wires of CAN bus are CAN HIGH and CAN LOW.

The communication protocols that I have explained previously uses HIGH and LOW for Logic ‘1’ and Logic ‘0’ respectively, but in CAN protocol we will be using differential voltage of the bus to send logic ‘1’ and logic ‘0’ (voltage difference between CAN HIGH and CAN LOW). This can be understood by using the illustrate graph:

Data frame of standard CAN bus:

Extended data frame for CAN bus:

If we are using the extended CAN data frame, here are the differences:

Remote frame:

Remote frame is same as standard data frame but there are two differences:

The purpose of the remote frame is to request data from other CAN device(s) on the same bus.


When multiple CAN devices try to access the bus there will be collusion, to avert such data errors in the bus, arbitration is established. In CAN bus the device with highest priority wins the arbitration. 

A device sending the identifier as “00000000001” will be given high priority compare to a device sending “00000000100” because device with identifier “00000000001” driven the bus with dominant bits (0) longer than the other. The device(s) lost the arbitration will retry when the bus is not busy. 

In real world the identifiers in automotive vehicle equipment like airbag or transmission or ABS will be more prioritized than a music system or air conditioner. This concludes the basics CAN protocol. 

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