Site icon Homemade Circuit Projects


Some of the circuit designs and ideas presented in this blog may not be tested or confirmed practically. Though the author firmly believes that all the circuits would work and provide the intended results as proposed in the articles, the user must exercise caution while deciding what's appropriate.

Also, many of the articles and diagrams are contributed by external authors, whose original source is unknown, and therefore the reliability of these designs are unconfirmed.

The author cannot be held responsible for any issues or damages either to life or property, or as monetary or physical losses, that might occur during the making of the listed circuit ideas in this blog, either due to negligence, ignorance or lack of proper knowledge about the subject, or perhaps an accidental mistake in the circuit design. 

The user or the person who is involved with the building of the project her/himself will be solely responsible for the results, positive or negative, whatsoever.

Having said that, the author welcomes all suggestions and corrections from the readers for improving the blog content and is ready to help as far as possible whenever required.

And please remember electricity can be dangerous if it is not used correctly. Therefore, by using this site we assume that you are completely aware of this and are well versed regarding how to use electricity correctly to avoid fatal accidents.

About Diagram Copyright and Watermark

Many of the articles and diagrams were contributed or purchased from external sources. It isn't always possible for the author to identify whether the material is an original work from the contributor or is a Copyrighted work from some other source? If you think it is a copyrighted work, please inform me through the comment box with valid proofs, I'll try to remove it or replace it with an alternative content.

All the circuit diagrams presented in this website carry a watermark logo of either or swagatam innovations. These watermarks are inserted to make sure that in case the images are copied by other websites, the watermark also gets published in their websites, informing the readers about the original source.

The watermarks does not necessarily mean or signify that the diagrams are designed or invented by the post author.



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