Lightning in skies is the phenomenon which proves beyond doubt that free electrical energy could be there in abundant quantities all around us.
Warning: The concept I have explained in this article has not been verified by the author. Readers are advised to read and proceed at their own discretion.
Power of Thunder Lightening
A typical lightning bolt could carry thousands of amps and volts enough to power a small city for many months.
All intellectuals such as the CEOs of oil and gas companies, government officials of countries are aware of the fact that just six feet above ground that's around your head region the atmosphere could be charged with at least 200 volts of free electricity.
Even just 3 feet above the ground the air could be charged with as high as +100 V.
If you compare the above with your home electricity which could be just 120 V, and your car battery having only 12 V, these man made electricity looks pretty trivial.
The +200 V in the air is entirely free, infinite, unmetered and extremely clean electricity with no emissions, it's in the form of electromagnetic energy (EM).
Great scientists of the past like Nikola Tesla and Henry Moray have already successfully plucked this free energy from air and proved the world of its existence.
If you consider the many tall structures such as the CN tower, the Eiffel tower, the Washington monument, the Kutub minar, the One world trade center, and the Egyptian Pyramids all these could be used like antennas for accessing this free energy in huge magnitudes.
Plucking Free Energy from Towers
The Egyptian Pyramids were in fact engineered as electrical energy producing and wireless transmitting power structures.
The capstone of the pyramids were developed and positioned atop the pyramids to behave like a accepting and transporting antenna in addition to the foundation of the pyramids were designed with sandstone (a quartz crystal electricity conductor) to accumulate the gathered electrical power – to work as a capacitor.
The sandstone (arenite) bricks employed to construct the pyramids were comprised of crystal quartz and/or feldspar that happen to be exorbitantly high electrical conductors and the small amount of metallic on the capstone enabled for highest possible power creation and access.
Furthermore, the Giza Plateau in which the pyramids take a position was especially picked as the building place simply because the area contains a lot of underground water streams.
The pyramids were created above limestone layers which may have spots between them brimming with running (flux) water.
These types of distinctive layers of rock known as aquifers broadcast electricity in the upward direction since they take underground water to the surface area.
The substantial volume flow (flux) of the River Nile that is fed into these aquifers creates an electrical current. This is referred to as physio-electricity. The pyramids were designed to take advantage of, accumulate (capacitor), and also transmit this electrical power wirelessly.
The Wardenclyff Tower
In 1901 Nikola Tesla started out building the Wardenclyffe Tower (Tesla Tower). He recognized historical scientific knowledge and began to reeducate the World by displaying what the Egyptians figured out and systematically engineered over 4000 years back.
If the Egyptians were to employ an insulating housing around the pyramids and reinstalled a capstone antenna (plated with an electricity running and transporting metal like silver) their pyramids would probably yet again generate, store and send out wirelessly this no cost and infinite electromagnetic energy.
Despite the fact that these are centuries old they may be even now capable to work as utility generating power plants. Their principal framework is completely still in effect.

The blue capacitor is a 0.22u/400V, the black capacitor is a 10uF/400V and the diodes are 1N4148
Some 80 years ago Nikola Tesla used a set up in which he used a 6 feet metallic antenna rod and could extract electricity free of cost that powered a 60 kW AC motor which was later tried out inside a test electric automobile.
Free Energy Automobile
The above set up created by Tesla was so effective that it could run the test automobile Pierce-Arrow at an impressive 90 miles per hour.
In the year 1932 the above theory was once again tested and implemented successfully by another scientist Dr. Moray through an inexpensive long copper wire as the antenna for capturing free electromagnetic waves in the air.
In the above experiments, we can consider antenna simply like a transducer for transforming free EM into AC or vice versa. It fundamentally has two phases of operation: one is the receiving antenna which plucks free EM (available as RFs) and delivers it to the electronic or electrical gadgets for their use, in the second phase the AC is transmitted back to air through transmitting antennas from these gadgets in the form of radiant energy.
The least complicated antenna is a length of cable, attached at one end to a transmitter unit or receiver end.
More regularly, the radiating/receiving component is scheduled far away from the transmitter or receiver, and Alternating current is sent to or from the antenna by way of a transmission line, also known as a feed line or feeder.
You can find a great deal of free energy in the air above that the application of lengthier wire antenna greater than five hundred feet or strung beyond head height could make dangerous magnitudes of electrical current.
Consult any electrician and he will probably surely let you know that Earth is usually referred to as ground while discussing electricity circuitry. This individual will also explain that DC electric current makes its way to ground or earth.
Energy from Lightening Rod
A lightning rod, devised by Benjamin Franklin, demonstrates this. In the event that lightning strikes a building it is going to preferentially affect the rod and be executed to ground by means of the wire, rather than transmitting through the building, where it could possibly cause a fire or bring about electrocution.
The Planet – the floor we take a position on, move around on, rest on, play. run on, travel on and construct on is negative electrically charged and plays the role of a circular capacitor.
In accordance with Canada’s Department of Natural Resources – – The possesses a net negative charge of between 400,000 and 5000,00 coulombs, at the same time the same positive charge is mounted over the surroundings above earth's surface.

It says:
“There is about a 300 000 volt (V) potential difference between the Earth’s surface and the electrosphere, which gives an average electric field strength of about 6 V/metre (m) throughout the atmosphere. Near the surface, the fine-weather electric field strength is about 100 V/m..” Average height of a man is 6 feet or 2 meters so 100 V/m x 2 meters = 200 Volts 6 feet off the ground.
Wikipedia also affirms that Earth’s atmosphere is electrically charged. They reveal the fact by disclosing the following explanation –
“The measurements of atmospheric electricity can be seen as measurements of difference of potential between a point of the Earth’s surface, and a point somewhere in the air above it.
The atmosphere in different regions is often found to be at different local potentials, which differ from that of the earth sometimes even by as much as 3000 Volts within 100 feet (30 m).
The electrostatic field and the difference of potential of the earth field according to investigations, is in summer about 60 to 100 volts and in winter 300 to 500 volts per meter of difference in height, a simple calculation gives the result that when such a collector is arranged for example on the ground, and a second one is mounted vertically over it at a distance of 2000 meters and both are connected by a conducting cable, there is a difference in potential in summer of about 2,000,000 volts and in winter even of 6,000,000 volts and more.”
The above statements are exactly in line with what Nikola Tesla and Dr. Thomas Henry Moray proved about 80 years ago and tried their best to inform the world about it, that our planet and we are surrounded by a envelope of free electrical energy, it's just about knowing the right method of tapping and extracting this unlimited source of free energy for powering any desired equipment on earth.
Illuminating 35nos 100 Watt Bulbs from Atmosphere
Moray could convincingly collect this free energy from air and light up 35 nos of 100 watt bulbs and 1200 watt iron continuously together,
Solar electricity is being extensively used and implemented in today's world but the most important thing these devices may be missing is efficiency.
The manufacturers and engineers must simply understand Tesla and Moray concepts and try to make the solar panels more efficient by using less reflective materials on them.
Solar panels reflect most of the sun rays throughout the day except when the rays are perfectly perpendicular on these devices.
Reflecting sun rays means throwing away precious EM energy.

The law if reflection narrates that in specular reflection the incident wave angle on a particular surface corresponds to the angle at which it's reflected back.
Solar panels material and the glass reflect most of the energy that could be otherwise accumulated throughout the day and night 24x7, absolutely free of cost.

In order to convert the present solar panels into extremely efficient energy converting devices or energy receiving antennas, is to make these devices with non-reflective material painted black.
Black will absorb all radiant energy present in the atmosphere whether its day or night it won;t really matter, the solar panels will then be able to convert sun energy into electricity in day time and EM energy into electricity during night, enabling a perfect free energy generating machine.
i’ve seen a lot of videos on youtube about making the electrostatic motor to use this phenomenon, but it seems overly complex, when it would make more sense to charge batteries.
What size should the antenna aluminum plate for system should be 60 feet in the eveitooment
We have a remote farm with minimal power, so I am interested in more information on the Tesla antenna and the EM panel antennas. Please help, Randy
Unfortunately, I do not have any useful information about this subject, hope someone else on this forum will be able to shed some light.
pourquoi ne faite vous pas un essai vous même,loin des lignes électrique et par temps sans nuages en envoyant un cerf-volant relié à un fil de clôture électrique soude au 230 volts d’un transformateur d’alimentation avec un condensateur en série avec lui relié à la prise de terre .
le condensateur sera shunter avec un tube au néon relié à ses bornes .
on receuille l’électricité sur le bobinage 12 volts secondaire.
Hi !
Crystals are wonderful and weird stuff. From lasers to piezo etc. etc.
Best of all, they grow IGNORING GRAVITY.
For 30 years I have been pondering the effect of the earth magnetic field through the crystal / silica crust under our feet and the possible connection to gravity.
What, I wonder, would the effect be should I wind a large coil around a crystal and pump some (AC high frequency) magnetic fields into the crystal? How would the crystal react? Would there be any flux generated (at all)? More flux that an iron core? Or absolutely nothing at all?
What do you think or maybe know??
Willie (from South Africa)
I truly appreciate your question and the interesting information that you have provided. Crystals are indeed wonderful devices. However, unfortunately my knowledge about crystals is not very good so I am not sure how a crystal would react to a coil wound around it with an AC input. I hope somebody else here might try this and let us know about the results.
Thanks a lot for your prompt reply. It is tough question I know. Just maybe someone has an answer or an idea even about the possibilities.
Thank you and good luck!
I agree with you, hope someone is able to provide an appropriate answer.
Hey there!
When wrapping a clear quartz crystal with copper wire and then sumbitting such to an electrostatic environment (5000v on a ‘Singing Tesla Tower’) the resonant frequency of the Quartz (To my knowledge is around 32700hz) is transmuted into electromagnetic pulses of the szame frequency, which in effect, affects all electrical devices around.
This cancels out wifi, it disrupts the ethernet connection on my computer and stops any cell service signal. I use it at night when I can’t breath so the fivegen doesn’t affect myself or my neighbours.
On the conjugate reaction, if you take a tuning fork of the same resonance of Quartz and placed such together, you would have a free energy device that charges up on movement. This is the function of every wrist watch that is labelled ‘Quartz’ or one which does not take batteries.
Interestingly, if you take the grounding knowledge of the electrostatic electricity in the atmosphere- as well as the knowledge I have just given regarding the EMF in relation to quarts. You can create natural EMPs (EMF fields) that retune local frequency to that of Quartz. The frequency of Linen and wool is 5000, and of Cotton is around 100. The human frequency is also around 100. Polyester is around 30, a dying person is around 15. Making a local environment of higher frequency attracts insects and enhances growth. In conjuction to electroculture, these methods are free and eay to use but ALL disrupt the internet and modern day technology. You can only use these methods currently for motors etc. When you use these methods to invent things such as the radio- suddenly you seem to be on other speaking channels (If you know you know)
All in all, make sure you use Quartz when grounding electricity as it helps protect you, the natural around you and your neighbours! It also enhances life around you!
If you wish to continue using your technology whilst implimenting this, you must have a faraday cage for use of technology within. Though this will cause the harmful EMF to bounce around on the inside like a microwave oven so please make sure even this is properly grounded to the earth.
If you wish for more information feel free to contact me, I have several books on these things that I have published but email to people for free (Because information should be free, why do we have to pay for natural evolution? Weird right?) either at or at
Sería excelente contar con un plano para poder replicar ése invento de mi genio favorito. Saludos cordiales desde Bolivia y siga adelante.
Não entendi nada gistaria de explicação mais pratica
Bardzo ciekawy temat muszę wypróbować
Sure, you can try it.
Že tie slabé diódy v našich kryštálkach vydršia takéto ohromné napätia. 20 m dlhý vodič, 8 m nad zemou a kryštálka s diodou GA 201 funguje. A na internete niektorí berú z éteru kW. Zaujímavé.
If and when you find the 200 + volts ….how do we use it and what equipment is needed..
First you need to determine if you want to store the energy for later use or use it immediately. If in theory you receive 200v, it will be in the form of AC voltages.
You will need a transformer to get it to the voltage you need. Motors 110vac,
Lights are not as critical with voltage so anything from 90vac-110vac will work.
Having circuits that can make voltages more stable. Surges and drops can be a problem. That’s why storing power can make it more stable to use as you need it.
Get a transformer to drop voltage to 12v then get a bridge rectifier to convert to dc voltage, hook to battery. When you need it to used have an 12vdc to 110vac inverter to use. You just need to watch how much you draw battery down to, no less than 30% charge so it will not shorten life of battery by discharging battery too low. You can setup antenna to bring in voltage and have inverter to use voltage at same time if current is high enough on input.
Bardzo ciekawy temat, warto głęboko się zastanowić.Jestem zainteresowany postępem.Coś w tym jest,czego jeszcze nie widzimy.Ale warto próbować.
Kedysi dávno sme takúto energiu usmernili malinkou diódou a ledva vybudili sluchátka. Dnes sa tu píše o stovkách voltov a kilowattoch. Vysvetlí to niekto?
Napätie z takýchto antén nám ledva vybudili v kryštálke cez malú Ge diodu sluchátka a dnes z nich beriete desiatky až stovky voltov? Zobudte sa.
Power of Thunder Charging.
I use this concept for charging my new Audi e-tron under bad weather conditions (sunshine=photovoltaics). Its very funny, because it needs 2 to 4 hours to start charging, but if runs in 72 hours the accu cells are charged from half to full. so, if I have time (on weekend) its charging. Yes, I know 72 h its a ling time, but for free! and only a very little investment. great thank to tesla or whomever. 🙂 soissff
Už si zabudol, alebo ty si si nerobil. Vyskúšaj si tam pripojiť malú diodu a urob si kryštálku. V slúchadlách môžeš počúvať rozhlas. Neboj sa hlavu ti neodtrhne.
Bouřka dá až 1000 000 Volt,musí se čekat až to bouchne a mizet!!!
Yes! Photovoltaics! Light is just another electromagnetic wave, and your melanin captures this frequency of light and uses it to create different materials within the human body, such as Vitamin D (I ahve written a book on this)
The exact same fundamental can be used to capture radioactive radiation as batteries, or you could find the electromagnetic resonant frequency of ANYTHING and use such for energy. E.g. when you meditate on your heart, for some reason your natural biomagnetism increases by 5000x! In theory, could we wear materials that take such and convert such to electricity? (As a Christian I am massively against this, but the fact it exists means its already been created perfectly, thus where in nature is this already seen? Our skin!)
“Lightning in skies is the phenomenon which proves beyond doubt that free electrical energy could be there in abundant quantities all around us.”
Could you please elaborate on this? Is there any literature on this?
The official explanation is lightning in skies would come from “static electricity”,
and from an empirical point of view, no freaking way!
So where does that enormous amount of energy come from?
That’s the big question!
Lightening keeps happening many miles above the earth, and this energy could be harnessed by some suitable means, and could be a great source of free energy
Some how the problem of 4G signal will be solved in every house by designing the suitable antenna for catching or sucking the 4G network signals. In the same way harvesting free energy from the atmosphere throughout the world will also be fulfilled, atleast 12 Volts with 12 Amperes.
Free energy must be in the market today to improve the environment pollution. All we need is just need is 12 Volts having a current of 12 Amperes. I hope soon this type of circuits and gadgets will be available in the near future in all market places.
Zadarmo ti niekto dá len tak 144 W príkonu. A nie len tebe, ale všetkým ľuďom na planéte. Zobuď sa!
This Tesla circuits, I have tested..
Working perfectly, I have changed 10 mfd to 470 mfd, and antenna I have used 3feet×2feet aluminum foil , now it’s working 3 watts bulbs.
This unit I have using gardens lamps for trail basis, with out load .. it’s increase voltage. So all time I have connected with 3 watts bulbs. Already I have invented energy based project.. really Tesla is hero! His all circuits .. and electrical design everything was good working.
Thank you friend for your excellent explain and basic circuits posted !
Thank you for your valuable feedback, appreciate it very much!
The 12 Volts having a current capacity of 12 Amperes can change this world to a better place. This type of circuits or ready made gadgets must be sold in the market at reasonable prices. Free energy is every where in this world.,but harvesting circuits and gadgets are required.
Fine! Have you ever charged a bigger accu? I’am surprised of the effect only with a small modification. soissff
This is very interesting. You certainly are an intelligent man. Certainly.
Nobody talks about Dr.Ing.Tesla and free energy devices unless they know what they talk about. You have my respects sir! Please keep posting 🙂
Thanks Razvan, I appreciate your thought, please keep up the good work.
Hi, since you are an electronics engineer I think you know that static electricity does not have a lot of energy. I sincerely wonder where you found the story about the driving of the electric car charged this way. I hope you agree that this impossible unless you have real proof. A lot of info on this page is false. The basics might be correct but most of the ideas are nonsense.
I can get small voltage in small antenna
Why do you say such wrong things? Have you ever tried it? Yes, the proof is done in multiple ways. But its evidently a bad thing to energy suppliers, so you get no patent on it… soissff
Sir only 0.22u/400V, 10uF/400V capacitor and doide 1N4148 can be make a the above device?
And the antenna go abreast or ascend?
The device use for 1-60W materials?
Sir can you send me your final device photo!
Addis, this circuit was taken from one of the online forums, I do not have additional details regarding this concept.
Hello Michael, I can't figure it out….If the the negative of the capacitor is the ground, then where should the positive side of the capacitor go?
If you look at the diagram the capacitor is linked to diode either side and is contiuosly collecting electricity through the capacitor giving it charge hense the arrows for electrical flow you do not have to ground it the right hand side of the diagram goes to negative motor the left hand would go to positive on motor try using a varial capacitor to regulate flow of electricity thus turning the motor or running lights
Hi sir,
What should be the length of the antenna wire of the circuit" " shown above and material also.
Hello Mr Swagatam Majumdar,
Do you know which side is the ground ?
Is it the MINUS (-) side of electrolytic capacitor ?
Thank you.
Hi Sir.
thanks for reply yes is it.I am just trying to make a minimum of that much of amount voltage through we which we can charge A Battery. And through which we can step-up that voltage with Battery-Inveter Assembly to a minimum of usable value. Since all other in-coventional sources like solar,wind are too much expensive….
well I am not geneious in electric like that of you.Please correct if I am wrong also provide usable information
Thanks Regards
Hi Swapnil,
yes I understand, but even to charge may be a 12V/25AH battery quickly you would need thousands of such modules in parallel.
Hi dear sir
Is it possible that by using above concept we can create +200V.and if it possible then why it Won"t being used widely
Thanks Regards
Hi Swapnil,
I got this info from some other website, I am not sure if it'll really work or not.
Hi Swagtam Sir,
I read information Regarding this Tesla coil om frsome other Web-site and it looks to be use-ful
Which material For Antenna is Used And How To Connect output two wire of Positive and Negative
thanks regards
Thanks Swapnil!
Hi Dear Swagatam sir,
I Made this Tesla Coil project just few minutes but I don't get 10microfarad 400V I used 10Microfarad 450V.
I did this experiment inside my home.I got voltage at coil 250 micro-volt DC.
Sir, I think you should make this project for correct result.
Tommorrow I will again make this experiment.
thanks regards.
Waiting for Favourable Reply…
:). 250 mV, thats a correct result. why do you mean, its a wrong result? soissff
Hi Swapnil,
you may have to build thousands of these units and put them in parallel for getting something significant. I don't think just a single set up would work and provide any meaningful output
What has me curious is 1N4148 Diodes have a PIV ( PEAK INVERSE VOLTAGE) of 75. Putting 200V across one exceeds its design ratings! Although you have 200volts there is NOT a lot of electrons available which translates into current OR (IXE=W) current X voltage equals watts (ENERGY!) In this case not a lot. In some locations you might get some power but I think very little & also these circuits would be VERY susceptible to being destroyed by smallish atmospheric surges. Now the big elephant in the room is these are AC configurations being fed with Direct Current. They cant function as designed. SO perhaps a “Joule thief “type of circuit would be a better bet. Oh yes and some spike protection on its input which needs to be as good an aerial* as you can muster.
Think of the aerial (the collector of electrons) as you would a window in a room. BIGGER is definitely BETTER. More electrons collected means more energy collected. Have fun someone
Thank you for your suggestion, agree with it!