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Regenerative Braking System in Automobiles (Circuit Diagram)



The following regenerative electricity generator circuit in cars and motorcycles was inspired from the oscillating dolls, and idols inside vehicles which may be seen constantly swaying and moving due to the vehicle's uneven motion or whenever brakes are applied.

How Energy is Wasted in Vehicles During Braking

Whenever a vehicle is stopped or braked, a huge amount of energy is wasted in the process, and an equivalent amount of energy is further wasted while the vehicle in restarted. A simple motor generator concept helps to extract valuable free electricity from cars and vehicles whenever brakes are applied or even while the vehicle is moving with frequently altering speeds.

I have already discussed an interesting article regarding how to convert your vehicle braking system into a efficient regenerative braking system, here we apply the same concept but not for assisting the vehicle rather for using the electricity for any alternate use such as for charging a cellphone, battery etc.

Using Fly-Wheel and Pendulum Concept

The idea is quite basic, we do this by combining a motor generator with a pendulum or a  flywheel concept for acquiring a consistent free energy from any moving vehicle where it has been installed.

The following figure shows a simple motor pendulum set up where the pendulum is developed in the form of  a circular load with a dislocated center of gravity towards the periphery of the circle.

The pendulum load could have any other preferred structure, although the shown design provides the highest possible efficiency due to minimum air drag.

Regenerative Braking Circuit in Automobiles. The pendulum generates electricity due to regenerative braking

The pendulum is fixed with the motor shaft, such that whenever the pendulum moves the motors internal coil magnet mechanism also undergoes an equivalent amount of movement which ultimately helps in the intended electricity generation.

How the Free Energy is Acquired Using a Motor Generator

The getting electricity from regenerative braking action is very basic. The motor here operates in the opposite mode, that is in the generator mode and generates electricity whenever the pendulum moves, which in turn happens when the vehicle undergoes an uneven speed pattern.

The indicated set up simply needs to be clamped inside any vehicle laterally such that the axis of the system is parallel to the width axis of the vehicle. The location could be anywhere and is not critical.

Once installed, the motor generator could be expected to instantly or consistently produce different levels of electricity depending on the speed changes of the vehicle or the rate of braking of the vehicle.

car 2

Since the pendulum oscillations range could be limited to a 90 degree swing on either sides, the generated voltage levels could be proportionately limited compared to full rotations, therefore it is advised to use a motor having a relatively higher voltage spec, at around 12 to 24V, which would possibly allow an output of around 2 to 4V, depending on the vehicle's speed or braking levels.

The output could be directly connected to a cellphone for enabling a quick charging of the phone through this free electricity generator concept in cars or any vehicle.

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