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Free Energy from Inverter with Amazing Overunity

While experimenting with a 300V DC to 220V AC inverter circuit, I noticed a strange overunity phenomenon which appeared to be like the generation of free energy from the inverter transformer.

Recently while experimenting with a high voltage converter circuit, I was quite astonished to see a strange overunity kind of occurrence wherein the inverter transformer output seemed to be generating more power than it was being supplied.

The entire set up can be witnessed in the following diagram:

Block Diagram

free en from inv

Connection Diagram

free energy generator using an inverter

Is this Free Energy from an Inverter

In the above set up we can see a very common center tap inverter topology, wherein the transformer center tap is connected with the positive input from the supply, while the two outer ends are connected with the drains of switching mosfets.

The gates of the mosfets are switched with an SPWM 50 Hz oscillating frequency from a 12V DC oscillator stage. The oscillator stage is powered from a external 12V DC battery.

The battery here, is only associated with the oscillator stage, and has nothing to do with the transformer power stage.

The actual power to the inverter is introduced from the mains 220V socket after appropriately rectifying it through a bridge rectifier network using 1N5408 diodes.

To ensure that in case of an accidental mistake in the connections nothing goes into smokes, I decided to connect a 200 watt incandescent bulb in series with the input mains supply during the initial testing of the circuit. This bulb can be seen as Lamp#1 attached in series with the input 220V supply.

After this, I switched ON the 220V mains power for initializing the inverter operations.

I was happy to see that the inverter started working without any issues. However since there was no load connected with the transformer secondary, I was still not sure about the results and regarding the actual performance of the inverer design.

Therefore to test this I connected another 200 watt bulb having exactly similar specifications to the Lamp#1 with the secondary of the transformer.

Witnessing the Overunity

I switched on the mains once again, and was quite amazed to see that the Lamp#2 connected at the transformer secondary switched ON and illuminated with a relatively higher brightness compared to the Lamp#1, which hardly showed any illumination on it.

Lamp#2 was glowing with around 40 watt illumination while the Lamp#1 was barely glowing at around 5 watt illumination.

Since all the power to the transformer was being delivered through Lamp#1, the power sharing should have been perfectly equal across the two bulbs, meaning the illumination on both the bulbs should have been equal, but here the conditions did not seem to be following this rule.

This seemed baffling to me, and I am still struggling to find the answer regarding how the bulb connected with the inverter could produce 6 to 8 times more illumination than the series bulb which appeared to be supplying much less power to the inverter?

From the situation it seems free energy is being created from the inverter with an overunity of  400 to 800%, something that certainly deserves a deeper investigation.

Without the Inverter Circuit, Power Distribution becomes Equal

The following video proves that normally resistive loads having equal ratings will share and divide equal power across them. The video shows how the two 200 watt bulbs produced identical illumination (100 watt each) without the inverter circuit involved.

Second Video Confirmation

I tried the experiment one more time, just to confirm whether the results were consistent or not, and fortunately the experiment yet again proved the above explained overunity occurrence, leaving no doubts regarding the perceived outcomes. Here's the video for you all to watch.

Overunity from Inverter Part-2
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